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Smittium rarum Lichtw. 1990

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Smittium rarum Lichtw. in Williams & Lichtwardt, Canad. J. Bot. 68 1050 (1990)
Smittium rarum Lichtw. 1990

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New Zealand
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invalid publication, invalidly published
Art. 37.5
Smittium rarum Lichtw. 1990
NZ holotype
Smittium rarum
HOLOTYPE: Slide ZEA-5-1 (FH 81216) prepared from an unidentified Chironomidae larva collected 11.VII.83 from an ephemeral stream next to Wekaweka Rd., North Island (site 5), New Zealand

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Smittium rarum Lichtw. 1990

COLLECTIONS: Known only from the type site and site 1, a mudrock cliff next to a small waterfall, both on North Island.
Trichospores subcylindrical, slightly swollen in the middle, with a single appendage, 20-26 x 3-4.5 µm, collar 0.5-1 µm long. Zygospores about 100 x 10 µm, with collar attached about 25 µm from one end. In Chironomidae larvae.
HOSTS: Lotic, unidentified Chironomidae larvae (Diptera), and what appears to be S. rarum in a larva of Austrothaumalea sp. (Diptera, Thaumaleidae) from site 1.
Trichosporae subcylindricae, ad medium parum tumidae, 20-26 x 3-4.5 µm, collari 0.5-1 µm longo. Zygosporae circa 100 x 10 µm, collari circa 25 µm ab fine uno affixo. In Chironomidarum larvis.
The only Smittium species with spores in this size range is S. chironomi Manier. However, the spores of S. rarum are wider and the terminal branches are not tapered, as they are in S. chironomi.
HOLOTYPE: Slide ZEA-5-1 prepared from an unidentified Chironomidae larva collected 11.VII.83 from an ephemeral stream next to Wekaweka Rd., North Island (site 5).

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Smittium rarum Lichtw. 1990
Smittium rarum Lichtw. (1990)
Smittium rarum Lichtw. 1990
Smittium rarum Lichtw. (1990)

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HOLOTYPE: Slide ZEA-5-1 (FH 81216) prepared from an unidentified Chironomidae larva collected 11.VII.83 from an ephemeral stream next to Wekaweka Rd., North Island (site 5), New Zealand

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10 November 1994
15 December 2003
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