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Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000

Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden, New Zealand J. Bot. 38 259 (2000)
P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
NZ holotype
Rigidoporus longicystidius
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: TAUPO Kaimanawa State Forest Park, Clements Rd, track to Te Iringa hut, on Nothofagus fusca, P. K Buchanan 95/093 & L. Ryvarden, 7 Apr 1995, PDD 66865. BULLER: Maruia Saddle Summit, Warbec Scenic Reserve, on Nothofagus sp., P. K. Buchanan 86/215, 24 Apr 1986, PDD 48106.
Basidiocarps resupinate or pendant to effused reflexed, up to 10 x 6 cm x 10 mm thick (when dried), tough and partly gelatinous when fresh, shrinking on drying to become hard, partly cartilaginous, and very dense; pileus surface nearly vertical, up to 15 mm wide, pale ochraceous, weakly concentrically zoned, glabrous, slightly undulating; pore surface smooth, when dry beige to ochraceous (73.p.OY - 76.1y Br) to very pale pink (31.p.y Pink), bounded by narrow sterile margin to 0.5 µm acros pores circular and regular when fresh, often partly shrunken and more irregular when dry and the hardly visible to the naked eye, 8-11 per mm; tat layer concolorous with pore surface, up to 8 mi thick, nonstratose; context narrow, to 1.5 mm thick white to cream, dense and cartilaginous, with scattered yellow resinous streaks in context and they also extending into tubes, bounded at pileus surface by a thin, pale yellowish resinous zone. Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae simple septate, hyaline, mostly branched adjacent to septun usually distinctly thick-walled (walls to 1.5 µm IKI-, metachromatic in cresyl blue, 3-7.5 µm diam running parallel to the tubes and agglutinated, in preparations of context hyphae often seen broken at septa as if disarticulating following septation; pileus surface formed by a palisade of thick-walled, bluntly rounded ends of generative hyphae. Cystidia cylindrical, apically tapering to a slightly rounded point, in tubes agglutinated and typically parallel to tube walls, sometimes just protruding into hymenium, with pointed apical crown of crystal extending up to 15 µm from apex, in context of similar appearance but lacking crystalline crown, up to 400 µm long x 7.5-11 µm wide in context, short( and 4.5-7 µm wide in tubes, thick-walled to 4.5 µm lumen mostly narrow. Cystidioles scattered among; basidia, cylindrical to somewhat mammiform hyaline, thin-walled, 11-16 x 3-7 µm. Basidia short clavate to subglobose, simple septate at base, 2 sterigmate, 9.5-14 x 7.5-9.5 µm. Basidiospore globose, hyaline, IKI-, cyanophilous, with slightly thickened wall (to 0.5 µm) and single oil droplet 4.2-5.7 µm diam. Forming a distinctive pocket rot in wood with elongate hollow cavities to 2 cm long.
New Zealand, from both North and South Islands, but recorded from only three collections.
SUBSTRATA: Nothofagus spp., where host is identified.
Basidiocarpi resupinati vel pendentes vel effuso-reflexi, usque 10 x 6 cm x 10 mm crassi; superficies pilei subverticalis, usque 15 mm lata, pallide ochracea, leniter concentrice zonata, glabra; superficies pori in statu sicco pallide griseo-luteola vel ochracea vel perpallide roseola; pori circulares, 8-11 per mm; tubi usque 8 mm longi; contextus usque 1.5 mm crassus, albus vel cremeus, densus atque cartilagineus. Systema hyphale monomiticum; hyphae genitales simplici-septatae, hyalinae, IKI-, 3-7.5 µm diametro. Cystidia cylindracea, apice decrescentia, saepe corona apicali acuta e crystallis composita praedita, in contextu usque 400 µm longa x 7.5-11 µm lata. Cystidiola cylindracea vel submammiformia, hyalina, tenuitunicata, 11-16 x 3-7 µm. Basidia brevi-clavata vel subglobosa, basi simplici-septata, 4-sterigmatophora, 9.5-14 x 7.59.5 µm. Basidiosporae globosae, hyalinae, IKI-, 4.2-5.7 µm diametro. Cariem cavernosam efficiens.
ETYMOLOGY: longicystidius, referring to the elongate cystidia in both context and trama.
NOTES: The species is similar morphologically to the resupinate species R. undatus (Pers.: Fr.) Don sharing elongate cystidia and similar sized globose spores (Ryvarden & Gilbertson 1994). R. longcystidius differs in being distinctly pileate in some specimens, and in having apically pointed cystidia that occur both in tube walls and context (those of R. undatus are typically not present in the context), shorter subglobose basidia, and spores with a thickened wall. Cunningham (1947, 1965) recorded R. undatus (as Poria undata (Pers.: Fr.) Quel.) from New Zealand but used this name incorrectly for specimens with clamped septa, as confirmed for PDD 3880, 5993, 52121. Cultures of P. undata sensu G. Cunn. also have clamped septa, in all hyphae but those of the advancing zone (Nobles 1958).
NOTES: The species is similar morphologically to the resupinate species R. undatus (Pers.: Fr.) Don sharing elongate cystidia and similar sized globose spores (Ryvarden & Gilbertson 1994). R. longcystidius differs in being distinctly pileate in some specimens, and in having apically pointed cystidia that occur both in tube walls and context (those of R. undatus are typically not present in the context), shorter subglobose basidia, and spores with a thickened wall. Cunningham (1947, 1965) recorded R. undatus (as Poria undata (Pers.: Fr.) Quel.) from New Zealand but used this name incorrectly for specimens with clamped septa, as confirmed for PDD 3880, 5993, 52121. Cultures of P. undata sensu G. Cunn. also have clamped septa, in all hyphae but those of the advancing zone (Nobles 1958).
HOLOTYPUS: New Zealand, Buller, Paparoa National Park, Bullock Creek, on dead hardwood, L. Ryvarden 38613 & P. K. Buchanan 96/114, 25 Mar 1996 (PDD 70600; O - isotype).
Taxonomic concepts
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (2000)
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 2000
Rigidoporus longicystidius P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
Global name resources
New Zealand, Buller, Paparoa National Park, Bullock Creek, on dead hardwood, L. Ryvarden 38613 & P. K. Buchanan 96/114, 25 Mar 1996, holotype PDD 70600, isotype O
scientific name
1 January 2001
13 April 2018