Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer 1944

Pyrrhoglossum pyrrhum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer 1944
According to the list of known records this rather polymorphic species has been encountered from several localities both in Central America (and adjacent countries) and in Australasia. The eastern collections compare well with the specimens from the Carribean region, which as a notable difference have more robust and larger basidiomes.
The distinctive lilac colour in P. pyrrhum (Pegler 1983, pi. 17 C-D) is only observed in young and fresh material. In old specimens often no trace of lilac tints can be seen. Identifying this taxon that remarkable change of colour must be kept in mind.
P. pyrrhum keys out near P. hepatizon. The two taxa, however, are readily distinguished by several macro characters, viz. size/colour of the basidiomes and shape/point of insertion of the stipe. The microscopical features of these two, in several regions sympatric, taxa are very much alike and therefore the identification of dry material (without detailed notes taken from fresh specimens) can be difficult.