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Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961

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Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 315 (1961)
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961

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New Zealand
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Cooke & W. Phillips
(Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis
NZ holotype
Pseudohelotium haematoideum

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Sparsa, sanguineo-rubra, ceraceo-mollis, sessilis. Cupulis demum applanatis (1-1.5 mm.), margin elevator Ascis clavatis. Sporidiis cylindricis, utrinque attenuates, guttulatis (.016 x .003-.004 mm) Parapbysibus filiformibus.
Similar to P. rubella, P., but firmer, and with different fruit.
On decorticated wood. Waitaki (100).

Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961

On decorticated wood, Waitaki, Berggren 100 (type).
Apothecia scattered, subsessile, superficial, smooth, orange coloured throughout, disc concave, I.5 mm. across, margin obtuse, even. Excipulum composed of rows of short, thin-walled, prismatic cells, 3-4 µ wide, lying at a low angle to the surface, flesh formed of similar but larger angular cells; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-spored, 90 x 7 µ, the small pore blued by Melzer's reagent; ascospores biseriate, fusiform, 1- then 3-septate, 16-21 x 2.5 µ; paraphyses filiform, obtuse, 2 µ wide.
I do not know a fully appropriate genus for this little fungus. In most systems it will key to Belonidium but the type of that, B. aeruginosum Dur., is a Dasyscyphus. Podobelonium (Sacc.) Sacc. at first sight appears to offer a solution but of its four foundation species two belong to Belonioscypha, one to Strossmayeria and the fourth, Helotium capense Cooke & Kalchbr., appears to me to be a typical Helotium. Actually P. haematoidea seems nearest to Orbiliopsis von Höhnel but that name is unfortunately unavailable since it is a later homonym of Orbiliopsis Sydow. Pseudohelotium offers a reasonable place for the species but it differs from P. pineti in its smooth receptacle, more waxy texture and probably unbranched paraphyses.
in ligno decorticato Waitaki Novae Zelandiae.
Sparsa, sanguineo-rubra, ceraceomollis, sessitis; cupulis demum applanatis, 1-1 1/2 mm., margine elevato; ascis clavatis; sporidiis cylindricis, utrinque attenuatis, guttulatis 16 x 3-4; paraphysibus fliiformibus.
P. rubella subaffinis.

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Pezizella haematoidea (Cooke & W. Phillips) Sacc. (1889)
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis 1961
Pseudohelotium haematoideum (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1961)

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15 December 2003
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