Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
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Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak, Sydowia 32 135 (1980 [1979])
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
E. Horak
E. Horak
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
NZ holotype
Xeromphalina testacea
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
NEW ZEALAND: Coromandel Peninsula, Kirikiri Valley, 10.VII.1968, leg. HORAK (PDD, 27153, holotype; ZT, 68/663, isotype).
Pileus -7 mm, hemispheric or convex when young, centre becoming depressed or subumbilicate with age; pale orange-red or deep brick-red; dry, membranaceous, coarsely innate-fibrillose (reminds of Crinipellis sp.), margin not striate, not hygrophanous. Lamellae (L 6-8,-1), rather distant, broadly adnate to decurrent arcuate in old specimens, sometimes ventricose; concolorous with pileus, edge not fimbriate. Stipe-12 x-1 mm, cylindric, equal or tapering downwards, central; concolorous with pileus; apex pruinose, appressed fibrillose towards base, dry, tough, solid, single in groups. Context orange to brick red, tough. Odour and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH-yellow. Spore print white. Spores 3.6-4.6 x 2.5-3 µm, ovate, smooth, hyaline, indistinctly amyloid (dextrinoid in young spores). Basidia 16-25 x 5 µm, 4-spored. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia none. Caulocystidia 15-25 x 6 µm, club-shaped, membrane thin-walled, encrusted with conspicuous yellow (KOH) pigment. Cuticle a cutis of repent, cylindric, bundled hyphae (4 -10 µm diam.), membranes thin-walled, not gelatinised, encrusted with yellow to orange pigment (KOH). Clamp connections on septa.
On rotting trunk of Cyathea sp.-New Zealand.
Pileus-7 mm, ex hemisphaerico convexus dein subumbilicatus, aurantiorufus vel testaceus, innate fibrillosus. Lamellae decurrentes, pileo concolores. Stipes-12 x-1 mm, cylindricus, testaceus, apicaliter pruinosus. Sporae 3.5-4.5 x 2.5-3 µm, ovoideae, vix amyloideae. Ad truncos putridos Cyatheae. Nova Zelandia.
A number of characters are distinctive for this species: brick red colour of the carpophores, lack of cheilocystidia and habitat on rotting trunk of ferns.
Typus PDD, 27153.
Taxonomic concepts
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak (1980) [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak (1980) [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak (1980) [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak (1980) [1979]
Xeromphalina testacea E. Horak 1980 [1979]
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Doubtfully a Xeromphalina as spores are inamyloid. The PDD holotype is inadequate [JAC]
NEW ZEALAND: Coromandel Peninsula, Kirikiri Valley, 10.VII.1968, leg. HORAK (PDD 27153, holotype; ZT, 68/663, isotype).
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 December 2003