Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964

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Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor in Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19 35 (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor
G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor
dubious name
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
NZ holotype (K, Taylor 85)
Phaeomycena fusca
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
[GS] Pileus 1.5-3 cm. diam., fuscous, sub-fibrillose with some glistening particles, finely striate at margin, hemispheric with or without a broad umbo; flesh thin, white to brownish. Gills adnexed to free, pink becoming pale fawn, deep, moderately crowded, long and short intercalated. Stipe 3-6 cm. X 2-3 mm., white to fawn, silky smooth with a few tufts of white hyphae at the somewhat swollen base. Spores 7 x 5-6um, non-amyloid, moderately thick-walled with endosporium stramineous in NH4OH (Fig. 2/15, p. 37): print white. Cuticle of repent hyphae over a cellular hypodermium. HABITAT: on fallen rotting Nothofagus log, Lowry Bay, Wellington, 23.4.1961, G. M. Taylor (type). [EH] = Pluteus sp.; there are no doubts about the taxonomic position of this collection and we see no reason to place it in the monotypic genus Phaeomycena which was recorded once from Madagascar. The type material is in fragmentary condition, and only microscopic characters were partially recovered. [JAC] with these spores and a hymeniderm (utriform) cap cells this must be close to P. terricola. I could find no distinct cystidia on the few remaining gills. Best left as a nomen dubium due to the inadequate nature of the type.
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca Stevenson and Taylor = Pluteus sp., there are no doubts about the taxonomic position of this collection and we see no reason to place it in the monotypic genus Phaeomycena which was recorded once from Madagascar.
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Pileus1.5-3 cm diam., fuscous, sub-fibrillose with some glistening particles, finely striate at margin, hemispheric with or without a broad umbo; flesh thin, white to brownish. Gills adnexed to free, pink becoming pale fawn, deep, moderately crowded, long and short intercalated. Stipe 3-6 cm x 2-3 mm, white to fawn, silky smooth with a few tufts of white hyphae at the somewhat swollen base. Spores 7 x 5-6 µm non-amyloid, moderately thick-walled with endosporium stramineous in NH4OH (Fig. 15); print white. Cuticle of repent hyphae over a cellular hypodermium.
On fallen rotting Nothofagus log, Lowry Bay, Wellington, 23.4.1961, G. M. Taylor (type).
Pileus1.5-3 cm diam., fuscus, subfibrillosus, micellis nonnullis coruscis praeditus, margine tenuiter striatus, hemisphaericus, interdum. late umbonatus; came tenui alba usque brunescente. Lamellae adnexae usque liberae, puniceae, deinde pallide hinnuleae, altae, modice confertae, longiores cum brevioribus intercalatae. Stipes 3-6 cm x 2-3 mm, albus usque hinnuleus, sericeus, laevis, basi tumidula floccis paucis hypharum albarum praedita. Sporae 7 x 5-6 µm, haud amyloideae, parietibus modice crassis, endosporis per NH4OH stramineo, in cumulo albae. Cuticula ex hyphis repentibus super hypodermium cellulae sisteus.
Typus: G. M. Taylor 85.
Taxonomic concepts
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Phaeomycena fusca G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
= a Pluteus sp., fide Horak, 1971
HABITAT: on fallen rotting Nothofagus log, Lowry Bay, Wellington, [New Zealand] 23.4.1961, G. M. Taylor, Holotype K(M) 193555
scientific name
1 January 2000
22 July 2013