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Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980

Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak, New Zealand J. Bot. 18 176 (1980)
E. Horak
E. Horak
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
NZ holotype (PDD 27155)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
New Zealand: South Island: Nelson, Lake Rotoiti, Big Bush. 25.11.1969, leg. Horak (PDD 27155, holotype: ZT 69/113, isotype).
Pileus -25 mm, hemispheric when young, becoming convex to plane with depressed centre, margin incurved also in aged specimens; yellow-brown, velutinous to felly; dry, hygrophanous; margin not striate, with distinct yellow fibrils from the veil (at least in young carpophores). Lamellae (L 12-18,7-) 15), crowded; broadly adnate to emarginate; golden-yellow when young becoming yellow-brown with age, edge albofimbriate. Stipe -25 x -2.5 mm, cylindric, equal, often curved, central; concolorous with pileus, base brown; densely covered with appressed longitudinal fibrils, with distinct but evanescent yellow cortina; dry, hollow, single in groups, with yellow-brown basal tomentum. Context yellow-brown. Odour not distinctive. Taster mild. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH, NH? - brown; H2S04, HCI - negative. Spores 7-8 x 4-5 µm, phaseoliform, brown, membrane thin-walled, smooth, germ pore absent. Cheilocystidia 30-50 x 15-20 µm, clavate to vesiculose, membrane hyaline to yellow-brown, occasionally encrusted with yellow-brown pigment, clamp connection at basal septum. Pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia cylindric, not differentiated. Cuticle a trichoderm of suberect to erect cylindric hyphae, terminal cells cystidioid (conic to fusoid), membranes not gelatinised, encrusted with brown (KOH) pigment. Clamp connections numerous at septa.
on rotten log of Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole. New Zealand.
Pileus -25 mm, convexus dein plano-depressus, aureobrunneus, innate tomentosus. Lamellae adnato-emarginatae, aureae dein luteo-brunneae, albofimbriatae. Stipes -25 x 2.5mm, cylindricus, pileo concolor, cortina fibrillosa lutea subpersistenter instructus, fibrillosus. Sporae 7-8 x 4-5 µm, phaseoliformes, brunneae. Cheilocystidia clavato-vesiculosa. Ad lignum putridum Nothofagi. Novazelandia.
In the field this yellow-brown species can be mistaken for a species of Gymnopilus Karsten. This New Zealand fungus is a close relative of the following two European species of Phaeomarasmius, viz, P. muricatus (Fr. ex Fr.) Singer and P. limulatus (Fr. ex Weinm.) Singer. It can be distinguished by the size and shape both of the spores and cheilocystidia and in addition by the rather tomentose structure of the pileocutis.
Typus PDD 27155
Taxonomic concepts
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak (1980)
Phaeomarasmius aureosimilis E. Horak 1980
Global name resources
Identification keys
New Zealand: South Island: Nelson, Lake Rotoiti, Big Bush, 25.11.1969, leg. Horak, holotype PDD 27155, isotype Horak ZT 69/113
scientific name
1 January 2000
25 June 2018