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Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973

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Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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B. Sutton
B. Sutton
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa

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Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973

On dead wood. ( 1 ) Auckland Prov., Walker's Bush, Henderson Valley, Waitakere Range, 24.X. 1963. DAOM 156746; (2) Wellington Prov.. Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mountain Road (750m). 7.111.1963, DAOM 106959; (3) Canterbury Prov., Kelsey's Bush, near Waimate, 17.X.1963. DAOM 156745
Conidia continuous to 3-septate, 9-16.2 X 3.2-3.9um. One of these collections was maintained in a damp chamber and abundant conidia were produced, many with one to three septa. Sutton (op. cit.) has pointed out that certain features of this species are at variance with the generic concept based on P. clematidis the type species.

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Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton (1973)
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton (1973)
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton 1973
Phaeoisaria sparsa B. Sutton (1973)

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scientific name
15 December 1992
10 May 2011
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