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Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934

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Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. in Melin & Nannfeldt, Svenska Skogsvårdsföreningens Tidskrift 32 408 (1934)

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(Robak) Nannf.
Ophiostoma stenoceras

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Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934

Type: Xylophilous Fungi; Description: Isolated from stained sapwood and not seen fruiting in nature. The following description is from cultures on 2% malt extract agar. Colonies effuse, white to grey brown, aerial mycelium sparse. Ascomata scattered, superficial, globose with long necks, black, 0.1–0.2 mm in diameter, perithecial necks straight or curved, black at base becoming paler towards the apex, 400–1500 μm long, ostiolar hyphae divergent, straight, 20–35 μm long, hyaline. Asci evanescent. Ascospores allantoid, 0-septate, 2–5 × 1–1.5 μm, smooth, hyaline. Conidiogenous cells denticulate. Conidia produced sympodially on the denticles, clavate to ellipsoid, 0-septate, 2–7 × 1–3 μm, smooth, hyaline.
Distribution: Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Southland.; 1st Record: Vanneste et al. (2002).
Significance: None. Produces a blue black stain in wood.; Host(s): Acacia baileyana, Eucalyptus delegatensis, E. saligna.

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Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. (1934)

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Ophiostoma stenoceras (Robak) Nannf. 1934
New Zealand

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8 February 2000
26 November 2018
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