Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964

Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev., Kew Bull. 19 19 (1964)
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
NZ holotype
Leucopaxillus otagoensis
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
[GS] Pileus 2-4 cm. diam., ochraceous salmon, infundibuliform with downrolled margin, smooth, silky; flesh whitish. Gills decurrent, pale ochraceous, shallow, rather crowded, repeatedly forking. Stipe 1-3 cm. x 3-4 mm., pale ochraceous salmon, smooth to velvety with a weft of hyphae at the base, solid, fleshy. Spores 6-8 X 3-4um, amyloid (Fig. 1/39, p. 10). HABITAT: in forest soil, Woodside, Dunedin, 1.7.1953, M. Morrison in Stevenson (type). [EH] = Clitocybe clitocyboides (Cooke and Massee) Pegler, 1965. It is difficult to see why this fungus was originally described in Leucopaxillus for apart from the decurrent gills, it has nothing in common with that genus. C. clitocyboides closely resembles C. hydrogramma (Fries) Singer even to the distinct chlamydospores. [JAC] Spores inamyloid. Cap vesicles typical of Singerocybe clitocyboides are confirmed present. Without doubt this species. Spores from gill length=6.1–8.4µm (µ=7.5, σ=0.67), width=3.2–4.7µm (µ=4.1, σ=0.34), Q=1.4–2.1µm (µ=1.83, σ=0.17), n=20
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
Leucopaxillus otagoensis Stevenson (29 D) Fig. 20 = Clitocybe clitocyboides (Cooke and Massee) Pegler, 1965
It is difficult to see why this fungus was originally described in Leucopaxillus for apart from the decurrent gills, it has nothing in common with that genus. C. clitocyboides closely resembles C. hydrogramma (Fries) Singer even to the distinct chlamydospores embedded between hyphae of the cuticle. All characters of the N.Z. species correspond well with those of the type from Australia.
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
Pileus 2-4 cm diam., ochraceous salmon, infundibuliform with downrolled margin, smooth, silky; flesh whitish. Gills decurrent, pale ochraceous, shallow, rather crowded, repeatedly forking. Stipe 1-3 cm x 3-4 mm, pale ochraceous salmon, smooth to velvety with a weft of hyphae at the base, solid, fleshy. Spores 6-8 x 3-4 µm, amyloid (Fig. 39).
In forest soil, Woodside, Dunedin, 1.7.1953, M. Morrison in Stevenson (type).
Pileus 2-4 cm diam., ochraceo-salmonicolor, infundibuliformis, margine deflexo-revoluto, laevis, sericeus; came albida. Lamellae decurrentes, pallide ochraceae, haud altae, confertae, iterum atque iterum furcatae. Stipes 1-3 cm x 3-4 µm, pallide ochraceo-salmonicolor, laevis usque velutinus, basi hypharum textura praeditus, solidus, carnosus. Sporae 6-8 x 3-4 µm amyloideae.
Typus: M. Morrison in Stevenson 925.
Taxonomic concepts
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. (1964)
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. 1964
Leucopaxillus otagoensis G. Stev. (1964)
Global name resources
HABITAT: in forest soil, Woodside, Dunedin, [New Zealand] 1.7.1953, M. Morrison in Stevenson 925, Holotype K(M) 202917
scientific name
1 January 2000
10 June 2015