Flaviporus hunua (G. Cunn.) Ginns 1984

Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth., on fallen fire-charred trunk. Auckland. Upper Wairoa Valley, Hunua Range, Sept. 1946, Joan Dingley, type collection. Suttonia salicina Hook.f., on rotting decorticated log.
Auckland. Arawhata Road, June 1946, Joan Dingley. Vitex lucens Kirk, on fallen decorticated decaying trunk. Auckland. Mangatangi Valley, Hunua Range, April 1946, Joan Dingley. Unknown Host, on fallen rotting log on forest floor. Auckland. Waitakere Ranges, 600 feet, Oct. 1930, M. Hodgkins.
New Zealand.
Hymenophorum ad 15 x 8 cm., 5-10 mm. crassum, firmum, album, demum cremeum vel pallide ochraceum. Pori rotundati, ad 8 mm. profundi, 75-100 µ diam.; dissepimenta 30-100 µ crassa. Contextus albus, 0.2-1 mm. crassus, textilis. Hypharum systema dimiticum. Hyphae skeletales sparse ramificatae, aseptatae, 2.5-3 µ crasse, lumine 1 µ; hyphae generatoriae 1.5 µ crassae, ramificatae, septatae, fibulatae. Typus basidialis clavatus. Sporae allantoideae, 2.5-3 x 0.75-1 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Hab.: Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth. Auckland, Upper Wairoa Valley, Hunua Range, 250 m., specimen typicum.
The species illustrates the weakness of trying to establish a genus such as Perenniporia upon the presence of stratose pores. In different specimens pores may be in a single layer, of several seasons' growth but continuous, or show definite strata indicated by slight changes in shape or colour.