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Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]

Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak, Sydowia 40 95 (1988 [1987])
E. Horak
E. Horak
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
NZ holotype
Dermocybe aurantiella
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
NEW ZEALAND: South Island: Fjordland: Milford Sound, W of Homer Tunnel, under N. menziesii, 1.V.1969, leg. HORAK, PDD 27176, holotype (ZT 69/203, isotype); Lake Te Anau, North Fiord, Lugar Burn, under N. solandri var. cliffortioides, 10.IV.1969, leg. HORAK (ZT 69/251).
Pileus -20 mm, hemispherical to convex becoming broadly campanulate, centre flat to subdepressed in aged specimens, margin incurved; orange, later turning argillaceous brown; dry, hygrophanous, margin non-striate, covered with coarse concolorous fibrils, margin appendiculate from orange veil remnants. - Lamellae 8-12, -3, adnate to emarginate; pale orange turning rust brown, edges entire, concolorous. - Stipe-55 x -3 mm, cylindrical; rarely subfusoid with tapering base; brilliant orange to saffron yellow; dry, below cortina zonate from numerous concolorous appressed belts of veil, hollow, single. - Context orange. - Odour and taste raphanoid. - Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - pale olive; HCl, NH3 - negative. Spore print rust brown. - Spores 8.5-11 x 4.5-5.5 µm, subcylindrical to slender amygdaliform, minutely warted, rust brown. - Basidia 30-2 x 6-7 µm, 4-spored. - Cystidia none. - Pileipellis a cutis composed of cylindrical hyphae (8-12 µm diam.), membranes not gelatinised, with yellow plasmatic pigment dissolving in KOH. - Clamp connections present.
On soil among litter in Nothofagus-forest. - New Zealand.
Pileus -20 mm, hemisphaericus dein convexo-campanulatus, aurantiacus, siccus, radialiter fibrillosus. Lamellae pallide aurantiacae tarde ferruginascentes. Stipes -55 x -3 mm, cylindricus, pileo concolor, fibrillis zonisque concoloribus e velo tote praeditus. Odor saporque raphanoidei. KOH - pallide olivaceus. Sporae 8.5-11 x 4.5-5.5 µm, cylindraceo-amygdaliformes, verrucosae. Cystidia nulla. Ad terram in silvis nothofagineis. Novazelandia.
The orange to yellow carpophores of D. aurantiella resemble small specimens of D. canaria but differ by the olive KOH reaction on the pileus and the verrucose, ± amygdaliform spores. Nothing is known yet about the chemical nature and structure of the pigments.
Holotypus PDD 27176.
Taxonomic concepts
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak (1988) [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak (1988) [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak (1988) [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak (1988) [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak (1988) [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak 1988 [1987]
Dermocybe aurantiella E. Horak (1988) [1987]
Global name resources
Identification keys
NEW ZEALAND: South Island: Fjordland: Milford Sound, W of Homer Tunnel, under N. menziesii, 1. IV. 1969, leg. HORAK, holotype PDD 27176, isotype Horak ZT 69/203
scientific name
1 January 2000
28 February 2014