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Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Coryne rugipes Cooke, Grevillea 8 58 (1879)
Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879

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New Zealand
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Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879
NZ holotype, K(M)
Coryne rugipes
[New Zealand] On wood. Waitaki, Holotype K(M), Berggren 82, S F38580

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Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879

On wood. Waitaki (82).
Minima. Stipite rugoso-sulcato, pallido ; capite ochraceo, depresso-globoso, laevi, glabro ; sporis minutis, linearibus.
Not more than a quarter of an inch high. It is a Coryne, as interpreted by Berkeley, and not by Tulasne.

Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879

This is a stilboid fungus with minute, slightly curved, hyaline conidia, 3-4 x 4 µ. Cooke made this clear by listing the species next to Dacrymyces and apart from his list of Discomycetes and by his comment 'It is a Coryne as interpreted by Berkeley and not by Tulasne. Nevertheless Saccardo has compiled the fungus among the Discomycetes which has led me to mention it here.
in ligno putri Waitaki Novae Zelandiae.
Minima; stipitiruguso-sulcato, pallido; capite ochraceo, depresso-globoso, levi, glabro; sporis (sporidiis?) minutis, linearibus.
Ascoma 6-7 mm, alt.; asci non descripti, hinc forte status tantum conidiophorus.

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Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879
Coryne rugipes Cooke (1879)
Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879
Coryne rugipes Cooke (1879)
Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879
Coryne rugipes Cooke (1879)
Coryne rugipes Cooke 1879
Coryne rugipes Cooke (1879)

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[New Zealand] On wood. Waitaki, Holotype K(M), Berggren 82, S F38580

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scientific name
22 June 1993
16 November 2010
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