Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987

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Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Watling & G.M. Taylor
Watling & G.M. Taylor
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Pileus 3-5-8.5 mm, hemispheric to convex, becoming expanded to flat, dark brown, argillaceous or honey brown at disc, colour fading towards margin and on drying, surface dry, glabrous; margin conspicuously striate sometimes subsulcate with age. Stipe 11-23 x 0.5 mm, equal, pale ochraceous or argillaceous becoming darker rust-brown with age, apex pruinose otherwise glabrous, appressed fibrillose towards base, dry, hollow, brittle, with weft of white hyphae at base. Gills free, subventricose, intense rust-brown, L 8-12, 13, with Basidiospores 6.5-7.5 x 3.5-4 µm. amygdaliform in side-view, slightly drawn out at germ-pore, minutely punctate (asperulate), slightly thick-walled, non-amyloid, ochraceous tawny in water, slightly darker in aqueous alkali; germ-pore distinct. Basidia 4-spored, clavate with short pedicel, hyaline in water and alkali solutions. Cheilocystidia lecythiform, 18-25 x 8-10 µm, capitulum 3.5-5.5 µm. hyaline; pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a palisadoderm with or without dermatocystidia, composed of generally smooth spheropedunculate cells 15-18(-20) µm broad, sometimes with slightly roughened pedicels; pilocystidia when present, lecythiform, narrow, and slightly pigmented, sometimes even tibiiform in overall shape. Stipitipellis of cylindric cells covered especially at apex with groups of tibiiform to lecythiform caulocystidia 15.25 x 6-8(-10) µm, generally narrower and longer than cheilocystidia. Clamp-connections present.
On humus with rotten woody debris of N. fusca, Lake Ahaura, Kopara, Westland, 10 ii 1968, Horak ZT 68/66 (Holotype); on rotten Nothofagus fusca Oerst. wood, Matakitaki, Murchison, Nelson, 27 i 1969, Horak ZT 69/24.
Pileus 3.5-8.5 mm, hemisphericus vel convexus, deinde plano-convexus, atrobrunneus, argillaceus vel melleus, in siccitate et aetate pallescens, margine conspicue striato interdum subsulcato. Stipes 11-23 x 0.5 mm, cylindricus, ochraceo-argillaceus deinde ferruginous, glaber, fragilis, fistulosus. Lamellae subliberae, subventricosae, ferrugineae, acie concolore. Basidiosporae 6.5-7.5 x 3.5-4 µm, amygdaliformes, minute punctatae, in parte superiore attenuatis usque ad porum angustum sed manifestum. Basidia 4-sporigera. Cystidia aciei lamellarum lecythiformia 18-25 x 8-10 µm. capitula 3.5-5.5 µm. Cellulae cuticulae pilei pyriformes vel spheropedunculatae et lecythiformes graciles vel tibiiformes. Cystidia stipitis caespitosa, tibiiformia vel lecythiformia, 15-25 x 6-8(-10) µm, capitulo 3.5-5 µm.Ad lignum putridum nothofagineum.
Holotypus; Horak ZT 68/66, 10 ii 1968. Westland, New Zealand.
Taxonomic concepts
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor 1987
Conocybe horakii Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987)
Global name resources
Identification keys
taxonomic status
Holotype Horak ZT68/66, and no iso/paratypes are deposited in PDD.
New Zealand. Westland, lake Ahaura. Kopara. 10. 2. 1968. on wood of Nothofagus fusca, leg. E. HORAK, holotype Horak ZT 69/24
scientific name
1 January 2001
9 January 2003