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Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964

Collybia rimutaka G. Stev., Kew Bull. 19 8 (1964)
G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
NZ holotype
Collybia rimutaka
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
[GS] Pileus 2-2.5 cm. diam., pale cinnamon, striate at margin, darker at centre, smooth, hygrophanous, plano-convex, broadly umbonate; flesh concolorous. Gills free, cream, shallow, crowded. Stipe 4 cm, x 3-4 mm., cinnamon, smooth, hollow, more or less equal. Spores 6 x • 3um., non-amyloid, thinrwalled, hyaline (Fig. 1/15, p. 10). Cuticle of woven hyphae HABITAT : in litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, 2.1 10. 1948, Stevenson. [EH] Spores 4.5-6.5 X 2.5-3 um, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, hyaline, smooth. Cuticle of irregular, broom-like cells, membranes encrusted with brown pigment, dextrinoid in Melzer's solution, clamp connections numerous. Cheilocystidia present. A very common species growing in all habitats in New Zealand. [JAC] No dextrinoid pigment on cap hyphae observed (but some brown encrusting pigment). No broom cells observed. The cap is not a broom/ramealis structure but more dryophila-like, interlocked matrix of hyphae with modified terminals but no multiple smaller lateral extensions. As I suspected this is identical to material I have tagged 'pororari'. spores length=4.9–6.5µm (µ=5.6, σ=0.37), width=2.6–3.5µm (µ=3.0, σ=0.25), Q=1.6–2.2µm (µ=1.89, σ=0.15), n=20. Note the spores are small. The swollen stem base in Stevenson's image is suggestive of a Rhodocollybia but tere are no dextrinoid spores present on cap/stem tissue, and the spores are small for NZ look-alike Rhodocollybia spp. A good Gymnopus. I believe this species was misidentified by mata et al as G. readii.
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Pileus 2-2.5 cm diam., pale cinnamon, striate at margin, darker at centre, smooth, hygrophanous, plano-convex, broadly umbonate; flesh concolorous. Gills free, cream, shallow, crowded. Stipe 4 cm x 3-4 mm, cinnamon, smooth, hollow, more or less equal. Spores 6 x 3 µm, non-amyloid, thin-walled, hyaline (Fig. 15). Cuticle of woven hyphae.
In litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, 2.10.1048, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 2-2.5 cm diam., pallide cinnamomeus, margine striato, medio intensius coloratus, laevis, hygrophanus, plano-convexus, late umbonatus; carne concolori. Lamellae liberae, cremeae, humiles, confertae. Stipes 4 cm x 3-4 mm, cinnamomeus, laevis, cavus, plus minus aequalis. Sporae 6 x 3 µm haud amyloideae, parietibus tenuibus, hyalinae. Cuticula ex hyphis intertextis sistens.
Typus: Stevenson 455
Taxonomic concepts
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. (1964)
Global name resources
HABITAT : in litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, [New Zealand] 2.10.1948, Stevenson 455 Holotype K(M) 195449
scientific name
1 January 2000
14 July 2020