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Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964

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Collybia rimutaka G. Stev., Kew Bull. 19 8 (1964)

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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
NZ holotype
Collybia rimutaka
HABITAT : in litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, [New Zealand] 2.10.1948, Stevenson 455 Holotype K(M) 195449

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Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964

[GS] Pileus 2-2.5 cm. diam., pale cinnamon, striate at margin, darker at centre, smooth, hygrophanous, plano-convex, broadly umbonate; flesh concolorous. Gills free, cream, shallow, crowded. Stipe 4 cm, x 3-4 mm., cinnamon, smooth, hollow, more or less equal. Spores 6 x • 3um., non-amyloid, thinrwalled, hyaline (Fig. 1/15, p. 10). Cuticle of woven hyphae HABITAT : in litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, 2.1 10. 1948, Stevenson. [EH] Spores 4.5-6.5 X 2.5-3 um, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, hyaline, smooth. Cuticle of irregular, broom-like cells, membranes encrusted with brown pigment, dextrinoid in Melzer's solution, clamp connections numerous. Cheilocystidia present. A very common species growing in all habitats in New Zealand. [JAC] No dextrinoid pigment on cap hyphae observed (but some brown encrusting pigment). No broom cells observed. The cap is not a broom/ramealis structure but more dryophila-like, interlocked matrix of hyphae with modified terminals but no multiple smaller lateral extensions. As I suspected this is identical to material I have tagged 'pororari'. spores length=4.9–6.5µm (µ=5.6, σ=0.37), width=2.6–3.5µm (µ=3.0, σ=0.25), Q=1.6–2.2µm (µ=1.89, σ=0.15), n=20. Note the spores are small. The swollen stem base in Stevenson's image is suggestive of a Rhodocollybia but tere are no dextrinoid spores present on cap/stem tissue, and the spores are small for NZ look-alike Rhodocollybia spp. A good Gymnopus. I believe this species was misidentified by mata et al as G. readii.

Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964

Pileus 2-2.5 cm diam., pale cinnamon, striate at margin, darker at centre, smooth, hygrophanous, plano-convex, broadly umbonate; flesh concolorous. Gills free, cream, shallow, crowded. Stipe 4 cm x 3-4 mm, cinnamon, smooth, hollow, more or less equal. Spores 6 x 3 µm, non-amyloid, thin-walled, hyaline (Fig. 15). Cuticle of woven hyphae.
In litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, 2.10.1048, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 2-2.5 cm diam., pallide cinnamomeus, margine striato, medio intensius coloratus, laevis, hygrophanus, plano-convexus, late umbonatus; carne concolori. Lamellae liberae, cremeae, humiles, confertae. Stipes 4 cm x 3-4 mm, cinnamomeus, laevis, cavus, plus minus aequalis. Sporae 6 x 3 µm haud amyloideae, parietibus tenuibus, hyalinae. Cuticula ex hyphis intertextis sistens.
Typus: Stevenson 455

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Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev.
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. (1964)
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. (1964)
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. (1964)
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. (1964)

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Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Collybia rimutaka G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand

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HABITAT : in litter under mixed forest, Gollan's Valley, [New Zealand] 2.10.1948, Stevenson 455 Holotype K(M) 195449

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1 January 2000
14 July 2020
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