Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis 1961

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Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 294 (1961)
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis 1961
(Berk.) Dennis
NZ holotype
Cashiella montiicola
Minute, black, soon expanded, with a narrow margin, sometimes flexuose. Asci clavate, large; sporidia subcymbiform; endochrome bipartite; paraphyses linear, much longer than the asci.
atra, expansa, margine angusto, ascis clavatis amplis, sporidiis subcymbaeformibus endochromate partito.
Allied to P. atrata, but apparently distinct from all its forms.
On decaying Montia fontana. Ahuriri, Eastern Coast, Colenso.
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis 1961
On decaying Montia fontana (Portulacaceae), at the nodes, Ahuriri, Hawkes Bay.
Apothecia sessile, cupshaped, 0.5 mm. diam., black throughout, receptacle smooth, excipulum composed of isodiametric, rounded to angular, thin-walled, dark brown cells, up to 9 x 6 µ, passing into parallel hyphae at the extreme margin only. Asci clavate, 8-spored, 65-70 x 9-10 µ, the small pore blued by Melzer's reagent; ascospores biseriate above, uniseriate below, ellipsoidal, hyaline, nonseptate. 9-11 x 3-4 µ; paraphyses very slender, often forked, tips suddenly enlarged, pyriform, 3-5 µ wide, forming an epithecium.
I feel this species cannot be left in Mollisia because of its forked paraphyses with greatly enlarged brown tips cohering to form an epithecium. I have not seen the type species of Cashiella, C. atra Petrak, and refer the fungus here from his description only, though this does not indicate the iodine reaction of the asci or even, clearly, that they are inoperculate.
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
in Montia fontana putri, Ahuriri, Eastern Coast Novae Zelandiae (COLENSO).
Atra, expansa, margine angusto; ascis clavatis amplis; sporidiis subcymbaeformibus endochromate partito.
- Pyrenopezizae atratae affinis; an ergo hujus generis?
Taxonomic concepts
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis 1961
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis (1961)
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis 1961
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis (1961)
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis 1961
Cashiella montiicola (Berk.) Dennis (1961)
Mollisia montiicola (Berk.) Sacc. (1889)
Global name resources
scientific name
17 June 1993
15 December 2003