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Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879

Scientific name record
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Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
NZ holotype
Cantharellus umbriceps
Type New Zealand, On the ground. Maungaroa , BERGGREN, 138, holotype K(M)/ S

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Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879

On the ground. Maungaroa (138).
Pileus about an inch broad; stem two inches long, half an inch thick at the base, attenuated upwards; flesh tinged with orange; spores small, subglobose.
Pileo carnoso, molli, e convexo depresso, glabro, umbrino ; margine incurvo ; stipite solido, pallido, sursum attenuato ; lamellis subconfertis, dichotomis, aurantiacis.

Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879

This material (BERGGREN 138) undoubtedly belongs to Hygrophoropsis. The species was transferred to this genus by McNabb (1969).

Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879

Pileus fleshy, soft, subglobose, then expanding, then depressed, margin incurved, glabrous, umber, about 3 cm. diameter ; gills very narrow, thick, forked, not crowded, dingy-orange; stem about 4 cm. long and 1 cm. thick at the slightly swollen base, solid, white with a tinge of yellow; spores globose, 4 µ, diameter.
Maungaroa, New Zealand.
On the ground.
As the species was founded upon the examination of a single specimen, accompanied by a coloured drawing, it is probable that the size and some minor details given above may require modification.

Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879

belongs in Hygrophoropsis (Paxillaceae) and was transferred to this genus by McNabb (1969).

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Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke (1879)
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke (1879)
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke (1879)
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke (1879)
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke (1879)
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke 1879
Cantharellus umbriceps Cooke (1879)

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Type New Zealand, On the ground. Maungaroa , BERGGREN, 138, holotype K(M)/ S

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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