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Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]

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Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev., Kew Bull. 15 384 (1962 [1961])

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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus
Type New Zealand Stevenson I 060 HABITAT:rooting singly in a bank close to Nothofagus solandri stumps Maitai Valley, 29.4.1956

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Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]

Pileus 4 cm. diam., surface gelatinous to glutinous, pale ochraceous, cuticle of interwoven hyphae; flesh soft, spongy, pale ochraceous. Pores up to 1 mm. diam., tubes 4-6 mm.long, pale violet. Stipe 4-5 cm. X 3-4 mm. tough, cartilagineous, pale fawn at top, darker brown and finely striate below; flesh almost white at top, becoming fawn towards base. Spores 17-18 X 5-6um., thick amber-tinted wall, with an indistinct germ-pore, cystidia not seen.
rooting singly in a bank close to Nothofagus solandri stumps, Maitai Valley, 29.4.1956, Stevenson. This appears to be near to, but distinct from, Strobilomyces fusisporus Kawam. described from Japan by Kawamura (1954).
Pileus 4 cm. diam., demum applanatus, pallide ochraceous, gelatinosus vel glutinosus; caro mollis, concolorata. Pori usque ad 1 mm. diam., pallide violacei; tubuli 4-6 mm. longi, poris concolores. Stipes 4-5 cm. X 3-4 mm., subaequalis, in basim radicatum productus, lentus, cartilagineus, apice pallide hinnuleus, ceterum fusco-brunneus et striis longitudinaliter ornatus; caro tantum non apice alba, basim versus hinnulea. Sporae 17-18 X 5-6um, subellipsoideae, brunneo-flavescentes (PI. 2/3a), in cumulo ferrugineum. Cystidia non visa.
Typus: Stevenson 1060.

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Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev.
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. (1962) [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. (1962) [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. (1962) [1961]

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Boletellus violaceiporus G. Stev. 1962 [1961]
New Zealand
Otago Lakes

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Type New Zealand Stevenson I 060 HABITAT:rooting singly in a bank close to Nothofagus solandri stumps Maitai Valley, 29.4.1956

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1 January 2000
12 September 2012
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