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Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897

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Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15 457 (1897)
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897

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New Zealand
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SchmidleA.W. Thomps.
De Wild.
(De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps.
Phycopeltis prostrata

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Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897

Type: Mycorrhizal Fungi; Description: Thallus monostromatic, superficial, polymorphic, ranging from a compact disc of radiating filaments with some erect filaments to loose expanses of creeping, irregularly branched filaments, greyish green to yellowish green; mainly on upper surfaces but occasionally on both surfaces of leaves. Erect filaments tapered. Sporangiophores none. Sporangia borne laterally or terminally on erect filaments or on prostrate filaments, ovoid to ellipsoidal, smooth. Gametangia not known. Leaf spots none.
Distribution: Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin.; 1st Record: Sarma (1986).
Significance: Not parasitic.; Host(s): Anarthropteris lanceolata, Astelia nervosa, Melicytus ramiflorus, Schefflera digitata.

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Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. (1897)
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. (1897)
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. (1897)
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. 1897
Phycopeltis prostrata (De Wild.) SchmidleA.W. Thomps. (1897)

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1 September 2004
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