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Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Data deficient

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Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh., Hedwigia 17 115 (1878)
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878

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New Zealand
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as 'Cytispora'
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Auckland Is., NZ
Cytospora metrosideri
Hab. in foliis Metrosideri, [New Zealand], Auckland (H. Krone), Rabenhorst 1878, holotype ?

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Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Conidiomata stromatic, pycnidial, multi-loculate, subepidermal, be-coming erumpent and exposing a white disc; on lower surfaces of leaves. Conidia sausage-shaped, 0-septate, 6 × 1 μm, smooth, hyaline, exuded in pale yellow tendrils.
Distribution: Auckland Islands.; 1st Record: Rabenhorst (1878: as Cytispora metrosideri).
Significance: None. This fungus appears to have been recorded only once (McKenzie et al. 1999).; Host(s): Metrosideros sp.

Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878

Cytispora Metrosideri nov. sp. Hypophylla; perithecia 5-6 connata, in foliorum parenehymate nidulantia, epidermide tecta, demum nuda; disco albido, cirrhis tenuibus luteolo-pallidis, spermatiis bacilliformibus, leviter curvatis, achrois, ad 6 µ longis.
Heerdenweise an der untern Blattfläche einer Metrosideros Species von Auckland. Gesammelt und mir mitgetheilt von Herrn H. Krone.

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Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. (1878)
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. (1878)
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. (1878)
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. (1878)
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. (1878)
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878

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Cytospora metrosideri Rabenh. 1878
[Not available]

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Hab. in foliis Metrosideri, [New Zealand], Auckland (H. Krone), Rabenhorst 1878, holotype ?

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scientific name
16 June 1998
15 March 2005
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