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Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961

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Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 295 (1961)

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Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961
NZ holotype
Dasyscyphus apiculatus
In cortice Nothofagifuscae, 600 m., Lake Waikeremoana, Auckland district, [New Zealand] 29.I2.1955, Dingley, holotype PDD 18987

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Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961

Apothecia gregaria, erumpentia, stipitata; disco flavo, 1 mm. lato, excipulo alba, pilis erectis, obtusis, paullulum septatis, scabriusculis, hyalinis, 75-80 x 3.5-5 µ obtecto; asci clavati, octospori, 75-80 x 9-10 µ, apice rotundati, jodo non tincti; ascosporae distichae, fusoideae, utrinqe, acutatae, biguttulatae, hyalinae, 11-14 x 3-4 µ; paraphyses cylindraccae, apice acutatae, 2-2.5 µ cr.
The rather round-topped asci lacking a pore-plug stained blue by iodine suggest a Perrotia but the paraphyses, though slender, seem to be pointed at the tip and the spores are not like those of other Perrotias. The material is unfortunately scanty and in poor condition and the generic position may be reconsidered when better collections are available. Spores of a rather similar trapezoidal shape, 8-12 µ long, were described for Lachnum trapeziforme Vel., on Carpinus leaves in Czechoslovakia.
In cortice Nothofagi fuscae, 600 m, Lake Waikaremoana, Auckland district, 29.12.1955, Dingley 18987 (typus).

Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961
Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis (1961)
Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961
Dasyscyphus apiculatus Dennis 1961

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In cortice Nothofagifuscae, 600 m., Lake Waikeremoana, Auckland district, [New Zealand] 29.I2.1955, Dingley, holotype PDD 18987

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15 June 1993
22 December 2005
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