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Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]

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Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick, New Zealand J. Forest. Sci. 29 442 (2000 [1999])
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]

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Gadgil & M.A. Dick
Gadgil & M.A. Dick
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]
NZ holotype
Sarcostroma mahinapuense
New Zealand, Habitat in caulibus Eucalypti nitentis (Deane & Maiden) Maiden, Mahinapua Forest (WD), 19.V.1999, P. Bradbury, holotype NZFRI-M 3972

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Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]

Type: Caulicolous Fungi; Description: Conidiomata acervular, solitary, scattered, erumpent, elongate oval in outline, dull black, opening by an irregular fissure, 0.3–0.4 mm long; on cankers on dead and dying branches. Conidia fusiform, 5-septate, straight or slightly curved, 40–57 × 9–11 μm, four median cells pale brown; apical cell hyaline, with a single apical appendage, 8–19 9m long; basal cell hyaline with a single excentric appendage, 11–21 μm long.
Distribution: Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Nelson, Buller, Westland.; 1st Record: Gadgil & Dick (2000b).
Significance: Found on swollen, fissured cankers on dying branches of E. nitens in Nelson and Westland. On E. regnans, it is associated with twig lesions and minor dieback.; Host(s): Eucalyptus nitens, E. regnans.

Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]

Additional specimens examined: on twigs of Eucalyptus regnans F.J. Mueller, Forest Research Institute Nursery (BP), 7.vii.1998, M. Dick, NZFRI-M 3264. The fungus has been isolated from E. nitens, Mahinapua Forest (the holotype), culture: NZFS 329.02.
Caulicolous. Conidiomata acervular, solitary, originally subepidermal, later erumpent, elongate oval in outline, 300-350 µm wide, 90-100 µm deep, dull black, opening by an irregular rupture of the overlying host tissue, basal stroma 10-20 µm thick. Conidiophores arising from the upper cells of the stroma, densely aggregated in a palisade, hyaline, 15-40 µm long. Conidiogenous cells subcylindrical, hyaline, 8-10 µm long. Conidia fusiform, straight or slightly curved, 40-57 µm x 8.5-11 µm, 5-septate, with appendages, basal cell obconic, base truncate, hyaline; four median cells cylindrical, pale brown, thick-walled, 32-42 µm long; apical cell conic, hyaline; apical appendage single, oblique, not branched, 8-19 µm long, 2 µm wide; basal appendage single, excentric, not branched, 11-21 µm x 2 µm. Conidium length:width ratio 4.6:1.
New Zealand distribution: Bay of Plenty (1), Nelson (1), Westland (2).
Caulicola. Conidiomata acervularia, solitaria, origine subepidermalia, innato-erumpentia, ambitu elangato-ovali, 300-350 µm lata, 90-100 µm alta, atra, per fissuram irregularem in tela hospitis dehiscentia; stroma basale 10-20 µm crassum. Conidiophora ex cellulis superis stromatis basalis enascentia, confertim in vallo aggregata, hyalina, 15-40 µm longa. Cellulae conidiogenae subcylindraceae, hyalinae, 8-10 µm longae. Conidia fusiformia, recta vel leviter curvata, 40-57 µm x 8.5-11 µm, 5-septata, appendices ferentia; cellula basalis obconica, basi truncata, hyalina; cellulae mediana quatuor, cylindraceae, pallide brunnae, crassitunicatae, 32-42 µm longae; cellula apicalis conica, hyalina; appendix apicalis singula, obliqua, non-ramosa, 8-19 µm longa, 2 µm lata; appendix basalis singula, excentrica, non-ramosa, 11-21 µm longa, 2 µm lata. Ratio longitudinis:latitudinis conidii 4.6:1.

(The specific epithet refers to Mahinapua Forest, the location of the holotype).

Sarcostroma mahinapuense has been consistently found on swollen, fissured cankers on branches of Eucalyptus nitens (14-19 years old) growing in Mahinapua Forest on the West Coast of the South Island. The cankers were first noticed in August 1998 and by June 1999 were to be found in about 60 ha of E. nitens. The number of cankers per affected tree had increased over this period and dieback, associated with cankers on smaller branches, was occurring. This fungus has also been recorded on E. regnans from Rotorua where it was associated with twig lesions and minor dieback. A further collection of the fungus was made in 1998 from the Nelson bioregion where it was associated with minor dieback ofEucalyptus sp. Sarcostroma mahinapuense appears to be acting as a pathogen on the West Coast. Its pathogenic status is being investigated.

The principal characters that separate S. mahinapuense from the other 5-septate Sarcostroma species are conidial length and the length:width ratio (Table 2).

S. mahinapuense spores 46 x 10 µm; L/W ratio 4.6:1; Apical appendage 15 µm; Basal appendage 12.5 µm
S. coryneoideum spores 34.5 x 10.2 µm; L/W ratio 3.4:1; Apical appendage 5.7 µm; Basal appendage 4.5 µm
S. foliicola spores 20.2 x 7.5 µm; L/W ratio 2.7:1; Basal appendage 6 µm; Apical appendage 6.5 µm
S. insidens spores 38 x 13 µm; L/W ratio 2.9:1; Apical appendage 17.3 µm; Basal appendage 17.8 µm
S. kennedyae spores 19 x 6.3 µm; L/W ratio 3:1; Apical appendage 15 µm; Basal appendage 13 µm
S. leucopogonis Spores 20.7 x 8 µm; L/W ratio 2.6:1; Apical appendage 2.2 µm; Basal appendage 3 µm
S. mariae Spores 25 x 5.7 µm; L/W ratio 4.4:1; Apical appendage 11 µm; Basal appendage 13.5 µm
S. plagiochaetum Spores 32 x 9 µm; L/W ratio 3.6:1; Apical appendage 10 µm; Basal appendage 7 µm
S. sinicum Spores 21.5 x 6.6 µm; L/W ratio 3.2:1; Apical appendage 6.5 µm; Basal appendage 7 µm

* Data for all species, except S. mahinapuense, are from Nag Raj (1993).

Habitat in caulibus Eucalypti nitentis (Deane & Maiden) Maiden, Mahinapua Forest (WD), 19.v.1999, P. Bradbury NZFRI-M 3972, holotypus.

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Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M. Dick (2000) [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M. Dick (2000) [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M. Dick (2000) [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M.A. Dick 2000 [1999]
Sarcostroma mahinapuense Gadgil & M. Dick (2000) [1999]

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New Zealand, Habitat in caulibus Eucalypti nitentis (Deane & Maiden) Maiden, Mahinapua Forest (WD), 19.V.1999, P. Bradbury, holotype NZFRI-M 3972

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8 February 2000
16 May 2023
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