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Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961

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Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 315 (1961)

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Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961
NZ holotype
Pseudohelotium juncicola
In foliis vetustis Junci vaginati, Upper Hutt, Hutt River, Wellington,[New Zealand] 31.7. 1952, A. J. Healey, holotype PDD 19045, Isotype K(M) 173616

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Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961

Excipulum composed of rows of short prismatic cells, 3-4 µ wide, at a high angle to the surface and running out into short, cylindrical, nonseptate, smooth, hyaline, obtuse hairs.
Apothecia gregaria, sessilia, erumpentia, leviter puberula, albida, disco flavescente, margine integra, latit. 0.5 mm. Asci clavati, octospori, 100 x 13 µ, apice jodo non tincti; ascosporae fasciculatae, cylindraceo-clavatae, 3-septatae, hyalinae, 40-45 x 4 µ; paraphyses filiformes, subinde dichotome ramosae, apice paullo incrassatulo, crassit. 1-3 µ.
In foliis vetustis Junci vaginati, Upper Hutt, Hutt River, Wellington, 31.7.1952, A. J. Healey 19045 (typus).

Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961
Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis (1961)
Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961
Pseudohelotium juncicola Dennis 1961

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In foliis vetustis Junci vaginati, Upper Hutt, Hutt River, Wellington,[New Zealand] 31.7. 1952, A. J. Healey, holotype PDD 19045, Isotype K(M) 173616

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28 August 2000
15 December 2003
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