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Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856

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Tremella fuciformis Berk., Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 8 277 (1856)
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856

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New Zealand
Political Region
The NZ species is part of an Asian complex which includes cultivated 'T. fuciformis'. T. fuciformis was described from Brazil and the current application of the name elsewhere is doubtful.

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Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis

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Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856

On dead bark and wood of (1) Beilschmiedia taraire, Auckland, Kauwau Is., Dee 1946, J. D. Atkinson, 24341: (2) Griselinia littoralis, Westland, Harihari, Apr 1963, J. M. Dingley, 24430: (3) G. lucida, Wellington, Weraroa, Jul 1919, G. H. Cunningham, 4294: (4) Hedycarya arborea, Auckland, Purewa, Aug 1950, D. W. McKenzie, 24343; (5) Leptospermum sp., Muriwai, May 1946, G. H. C., 4588; (6) unknown host, Waipoua State Forest, Apr 1964, R.F.R. McN., 24431.
Fructifications gelatinous, at first irregularly pustulate, becoming foliaceous, to 5 cm in longest dimension, to 3.5 cm high, lobes caespitose, thin, margins crenate or occasionally incised, undulate, semi-translucent to opaque white when fresh, drying pallid creamy yellow. Internal hyphae slightly thick-walled, hyaline, clamp connections present. Hymenium amphigenous, composed of basidia; probasidia broadly elliptical, obovate or subglobose, with basal clamp connections, borne on fertile hyphae with short, broad, irregular cells, 10.5-16.7 x 8.7-13 µm, becoming longitudinally cruciate-septate; sterigmata cylindrical, to 60 x 3µm, occasionally expanded apically to 4.5 µm. Basidiospores broadly ovate, often flattened on one side, hyaline, apiculate, 6.8-9.5 x 4.8-6.2 µm. Germination by repetition. Hymenial conidia not seen.
>Angiosperm bark and wood.
Bandoni, Lloydia 21: 143, f. 8. 1958.
New Zealand specimens agree closely with Bandoni's (1958, p. 144) description of the type, although hymenial conidia described by Bandoni and Olive (1948, p. 592) was not observed.
Tremella fuciformis is the only white, foliose Tremella known to occur in this country. It was recorded from New Zealand by Lloyd (1921, p. 1073).
Panure, Brazil.

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Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. (1856)
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. (1856)
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. (1856)
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. (1856)
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. (1856)
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. (1856)

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Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Cook Islands
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand
Tremella fuciformis Berk. 1856
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 July 2001
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