Trichosphaerella tuberculata Samuels 1983

Trichosphaerella tuberculata Samuels 1983
ANAMORPH: None known.
Ascomata densely gregarious, superficial, nonstromatic, attached to the substrate by hyphae, difficult to remove from the substrate; subglobose, 80-150 µm high ´ 100-125 µm wide, non-papillate, wall tuberculate, not collapsing when dry; black, shining, not changing colour in 3% KOH or 100% lactic acid.
Ascomatal wall 30-40 µm wide. Surface: cells nearly circular in outline, 4-5 µm diam., with brown pigment deposits on the surface. Longitudinal section: inner 12-15 µm comprising tightly compacted, flattened cells 5-8 µm long ´ 1.5-2.0 µm wide with wall 1 µm thick and pigmented; outer region variable in width, 12-25 µm at the thinnest areas the outer region directly joins the inner and comprises cells that lack definite outline, the widest regions represent tubercles seen on the wall surface, each tubercle consists of 2 regions, at the exterior the cells are small and lack definite outline, within the tubercle the cells are ± circular in outline, c. 5 µm diam. and appearing to be pulled apart through expansion of the tubercle; ostiolar area comprising c. 10 µm long x 2-3 µm wide hyphal elements arising from the inner region of the wall, ostiolar canal periphysate.
Asci cylindrical to narrowly clavate, (25-)26-30(37) x 4.5-6.0 µm, unitunicate, apex with an indistinct, inamyloid ring; 8-spored, ascospores irregularly arranged.
Paraphyses not seen.
Ascospores elliptical, equally 2-celled, disarticulating into 2 conical to subglobose part spores while still in asci; part ascospores 2.5-3.0 x 2.0-2.5 µm, smooth, hyaline, becoming red in Melzer's reagent.