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Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. 1983

Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 21 261 (1983)
P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. 1983
NZ holotype
Stictis inconstans
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. 1983
Ascocarps deeply immersed, urceolate, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., round, opening widely. Crystalline margin entire, not extensive. Margin in cross-section 40 µm wide. Crystals forming a layer 35 µm wide, in top half of margin. Wall 5-10 µm wide, extending from host surface, but not under subhymenium, comprising hyaline hyphae. Periphyses 15 x 2 µm, mostly unbranching, forming a compact layer. Paraphyses undifferentiated or slightly swollen at tips, nonamyloid. Asci 130-170 x 6-8 µm, cap 4-6 µm thick, usually 8-spored, branching, sometimes fewer. Ascospores variable in shape and size, usually filiform, 70-155 x 4-5 µm, with cells 1.5-3 µm long, constricted and sometimes disarticulating at a few septa. Spores less frequently irregular in shape, 22-75 x 10-12 µm, with cells 2-5 µm long, often swollen and often forming a few longitudinal septa.
Anamorph in vivo: Has not been found.
Characteristics in culture: Ascospores germinating on agar plates after 2 days, forming colonies on OA 3 cm diam. after 4 weeks. Aerial mycelium white, cottony. Pycnidia globose, numerous, solitary, scattered, opening by an irregular split in wall, from which conidia ooze in creamy-yellow coloured slime. Pycnidial wall comprising hyaline, gelatinised hyphae. Conidiophores forming from inner wall layers, cylindric, 8-12 µm long, not branching with 2-3 conidiogenous cells held at the tips. Conidiogenous cells cylindric, 7-10 x 1.5-2 µm, hyaline, with a small, often flaring collarette. Conidia apparently forming holoblastically following a short, apical proliferation of the conidiogenous cell. Conidia filiform, not tapering, 55-82 x 1.5-2 µm, 9-14 transverse septa, not constricted at septa, apex rounded, base truncate, hyaline.
Anamorph in vivo: Has not been found.
Characteristics in culture: Ascospores germinating on agar plates after 2 days, forming colonies on OA 3 cm diam. after 4 weeks. Aerial mycelium white, cottony. Pycnidia globose, numerous, solitary, scattered, opening by an irregular split in wall, from which conidia ooze in creamy-yellow coloured slime. Pycnidial wall comprising hyaline, gelatinised hyphae. Conidiophores forming from inner wall layers, cylindric, 8-12 µm long, not branching with 2-3 conidiogenous cells held at the tips. Conidiogenous cells cylindric, 7-10 x 1.5-2 µm, hyaline, with a small, often flaring collarette. Conidia apparently forming holoblastically following a short, apical proliferation of the conidiogenous cell. Conidia filiform, not tapering, 55-82 x 1.5-2 µm, 9-14 transverse septa, not constricted at septa, apex rounded, base truncate, hyaline.
Habitat: Found once,on dead wood of Ripogonum.
Ascocarpi immersi, profunde cupulati, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., margine integro, albo, in sectione transversali 40 µm crasso. Stratum crystallinum 30 µm crassum. Stratum parietis 5-10 µm crassum, hypharis achromis. Periphysoidea 15 x 2 µm, non ramosa. Paraphyses filiformes, simplices, in iodo non caerulescentes. Asci 130-170 x 6-8 µm, apice 4-6 µm crassi, 4-8 spori. Sporae filiformae, 70-155 x 4-5µm, vel enormae, muriformae, 22-75 x 10-12 µm, cellulis 1.5-3 µm longis. Status conidalis: Ebollia sp.
Holotypus: PDD 41848 ex Ripogonum scandens J. R. et G. Forst.
Holotypus: PDD 41848 ex Ripogonum scandens J. R. et G. Forst.
Etymology: inconstans = variable, inconstant; refers to spore shape and size.
Note: Muriform ascospores have previously been unreported for Stictis (Sherwood 1977a), although they are known to occur in a few other Ostropalean genera. Gilenstam (1974) describes 5 species of the Ostropalean lichen genus Conotrema Tuckerman; 4 have transversely multiseptate ascospores, the spores of the fifth are muriform. See also notes under S. carnea.
Note: Muriform ascospores have previously been unreported for Stictis (Sherwood 1977a), although they are known to occur in a few other Ostropalean genera. Gilenstam (1974) describes 5 species of the Ostropalean lichen genus Conotrema Tuckerman; 4 have transversely multiseptate ascospores, the spores of the fifth are muriform. See also notes under S. carnea.
Holotype: New Zealand: AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ra., Parau Track, on Ripogonum scandens, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 23 Oct 1980 (PDD 41848).
Taxonomic concepts
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. 1983
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. (1983)
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. 1983
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst.
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. 1983
Stictis inconstans P.R. Johnst. (1983)
Global name resources
Identification keys
New Zealand: AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ra., Parau Track, on Ripogonum scandens, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 23 Oct 1980 (PDD 41848).
scientific name
23 May 2024