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Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958

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Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958

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New Zealand
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M.B. Ellis
S. Hughes
(S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis
Sporidesmium flagellatum

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Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958

On dead stems of Ripogonum scandens, (1-8) Auckland Prov., (1,2) Cossey's Creek Dam, Hunua 12.11.1963, J.M.D. and S.J.H., DAOM 109321, PDD 20559 (DAOM 109320); (3) Hunua Gorge. Hunua, 12.11.1963, DAOM 109327; (4) Upper Piha Valley. Waitakere Range. 9.X.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21604 (DAOM 93951 ); (5) near Nihotupu Filters. Waitakere Range. 30.VIII.1963, DAOM 93862; (6) Titirangi, 27.11.1963. J.M.D., PDD 20625 (DAOM 109325); (7.8) Whangapoua Saddle, Coromandel Peninsula, 5.1X.1963, DAOM 93755, 109323 (9,10) Westland, little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6,1V. 1963, (9) J.M.D., DAOM 93845; (10) DAOM 93836
References: Ellis (up. cit.), Hughes (1953a, as P doconis)

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Corynespora flagellata (S. Hughes) X.G. Zhang & M. Ji 2005
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Penzigomyces flagellatus (S. Hughes) Subram. 1992
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Podoconis flagellata S. Hughes 1953
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis (1958)
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis (1958)
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958

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Sporidesmium flagellatum (S. Hughes) M.B. Ellis 1958
[Not available]

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scientific name
15 December 1992
28 November 2012
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