Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982

Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
Scab disease on leaves of Amelanchier sp. (juneberry). A new fungus species. (IMI 233721 (holotypus), LINC 9656, PDD 41810, Canterbury: Christchurch, R. C. Close, Nov. 1978.).
Colonies amphigenous, orbicular to irregular, or effuse and following veins; olivaceous brown and velvety. Mycelium subculticular, hyaline or light brown. Conidiophores swollen at the base, and of varying length depending on the number of annellations; 10-23 µm long, 5-6 µm wide at annellations. Conidia obpyriform to obclavate, pale olivaceous brown, smooth, non-septate; 12-21.6 (17.5) µm long, 4.8-8.4 (7.0) µm wide at the broadest part, truncated at the base.
Coloniae amphygenae, orbiculares vel irregulares vel effusae venasque sequentes; olivaceo-brunneae, velveto similes. Mycelium subcuticulare, hyalinum vel pallide brunneum. Conidiophora basi inflata, in longitudinem variabilia numero annelationum; 10-23 µm longa, annelationibus 5-6 µm latis. Conidia obpyriformia vel obclavata, pallide olivaceo-brunnea, levia, non-septata, 12-21.6 (17.5) µm longa, 4.8-8.4 µm lata in parte latissima, basi truncata. Habitat in foliis speciei Amelanchier, morbum crustaceum efficiens, Canterbury, New Zealand, November 1978.