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Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982

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Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. in Harvey & Braithwaite, New Zealand J. Agric. Res. 25 441 (1982)

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I.C. Harv.
I.C. Harv.
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
Spilocaea amelanchieris
Canterbury, Christchurch, [New Zealand] R. C. Close, Nov. 1978. holotype IMI 23372, isotype LINC 9656, PDD 41810

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Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982

Scab disease on leaves of Amelanchier sp. (juneberry). A new fungus species. (IMI 233721 (holotypus), LINC 9656, PDD 41810, Canterbury: Christchurch, R. C. Close, Nov. 1978.).

Colonies amphigenous, orbicular to irregular, or effuse and following veins; olivaceous brown and velvety. Mycelium subculticular, hyaline or light brown. Conidiophores swollen at the base, and of varying length depending on the number of annellations; 10-23 µm long, 5-6 µm wide at annellations. Conidia obpyriform to obclavate, pale olivaceous brown, smooth, non-septate; 12-21.6 (17.5) µm long, 4.8-8.4 (7.0) µm wide at the broadest part, truncated at the base.

On leaves of Amelanchier sp. (juneberry), causing a scab disease.

Coloniae amphygenae, orbiculares vel irregulares vel effusae venasque sequentes; olivaceo-brunneae, velveto similes. Mycelium subcuticulare, hyalinum vel pallide brunneum. Conidiophora basi inflata, in longitudinem variabilia numero annelationum; 10-23 µm longa, annelationibus 5-6 µm latis. Conidia obpyriformia vel obclavata, pallide olivaceo-brunnea, levia, non-septata, 12-21.6 (17.5) µm longa, 4.8-8.4 µm lata in parte latissima, basi truncata. Habitat in foliis speciei Amelanchier, morbum crustaceum efficiens, Canterbury, New Zealand, November 1978.

This species of Spilocaea differs from others described by Ellis (1971, 1976). Although similar to S. pyracanthae (Otth.) Arx, it differs markedly in the shape of the conidia, which here are obpyriform to obclavate and pointed at the distal end, like S. photinicola (McClain) Ellis, but non-septate. The fungus was confirmed as a separate species by Mr . M. Kirk, CMI.

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Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. (1982)
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. (1982)
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. (1982)
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. (1982)

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Spilocaea amelanchieris I.C. Harv. 1982
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury

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Canterbury, Christchurch, [New Zealand] R. C. Close, Nov. 1978. holotype IMI 23372, isotype LINC 9656, PDD 41810

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17 December 2018
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