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Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963

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Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46 103 (1963)

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Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton
Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi

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Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963

Cypress canker is widespread throughout New Zealand. Birch (1933) recorded it on Cupressus macrocarpa as Coryneum cardinale, from Auckland, Waikato, and Wairarapa. Fuller and Newhook (1954) assessed damage caused by cypress canker in farm shelter hedges in the Waikato area and suggested the replacement of Cupressus macrocarpa with C. lusitanica var. benthamii, C. torulosa, Chamaecyparis pisifera var. plumosa, Thuja plicata and Cryptomeria japonica. Newhook (1962) stated that the first three of these species of cypress are resistant, not immune, to cypress canker. Weston (1957) discussed the occurrence and severity of damage of cypress canker in plantations throughout New Zealand. Bannister and Orman (1960) recommended the relatively resistant Cupressus lusitanica var. benthamii for planting in areas where climate is suitable for the development of the disease. This disease has been introduced into New Zealand with nursery stock of host plants.

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Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton (1963)
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton (1963)
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton (1963)

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Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand
Rhynchosphaeria cupressi Nattras, C. Booth & B. Sutton 1963
New Zealand

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13 March 2018
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