Ramariopsis ramarioides R.H. Petersen 1988

Ramariopsis ramarioides R.H. Petersen 1988
Fruit bodies up to 5 cm high, up to 2 cm broad, arbuscular, branched in 2-4 ranks, erect, more or less strict. Stipe discrete, up to 20 x 4 mm, tapering downward, pallid pinkish tan ("pale pinkish cinnamon", "tilleul-buff") downward, in age "chamois" at base, upward concolourous with branches. Branches terete, dichotomous throughout, fleshy brown to red-brown ("cacao-brown", "mikado-brown", "cameo-brown", "walnut brown", "fawn-color", to "pecan-browd'); axils rounded; internodes diminishing gradually. Apices awl-shaped, short, up to 5 mm long, concolourous with branches or redder ("ochre-red"). Odour and taste negligible.
Macrochemical reaction: FCL on hymenium negative.
Tramal hyphae of branches hardly inflated, free, hyaline, clamped, parallel. Subhymenium extensive, of tortuous, short-celled, uninflated, clamped hyphae. Hymenium hardly thickening; basidia 30-40 x 7 gym, clavate, clamped, hyaline to homogeneous in content, free; sterigmata 4, prominent, curved-divergent.
Spores (Figs 130,142) 3.6-4.7 x 3.2-3.6 gm (E =1.11¬1.33; E'° =1.25; L-= 4.25 gm), ovate to ellipsoid, grossly spiny, inamyloid; wall thin; contents usually uniguttulate, the guttule yellowish and refringent; ornamentation of narrowly conical spines up to 1.3 gm long, densely scattered over whole spore surface; hilar appendix prominent, up to 1 gm long.
COMMENTARY: From macromorphological characters, I concluded that this was a Ramaria, and even the spores resemble those of small-spored members of subg. Echinoramaria except for a pure-white spore print. Microscopically, however, it is clear that it is a Ramariopsis, with characteristically small basidia, parallel tramal hyphae, and prominent hilar appendix. The spores are more grossly ornamented than those of any other Ramariopsis I have seen.
Corner (1970; p. 83) cites similar specimens by Warcup from New Zealand under Ramariopsis kunzei (Fr.) Corner, but fruit body colour is wrong for that taxon.