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Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988

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Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988

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New Zealand
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R.H. Petersen
R.H. Petersen
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
NZ holotype
Ramaria sclerocarnosa
Waipoua Forest Sanctuary, Hokianga Co., Northland, [New Zealand], Yakas Tree Track,, coll. RHP, no. 42299 (holotype PDD 46685, isotype TENN 42299);

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Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988

Fruit bodies up to 9 x 4 cm, repeatedly branched, usually with discrete stipe, arising from stout white, tough rhizomorphs and often extensive submembranous, separable, white resupinate patches. Stipe portion up to 2.5 cm x 3-5 mm, usually distinct, but sometimes so short as to be considered absent, pale beige to off-white below, seldom terete, usually grooved or channelled, especially upward and there concolourous to branches ("cinnamon-buff").

Branches in 3-5 ranks, ascending, substrict to lax and curved-ascending, flattened, more or less uniformly beige to buffy tan all over ("light ochraceous", 'light ochraceous buff", "pinkish buff"); axils openly to narrowly rounded; internodes diminishing gradually. Apices usually prolonged-acute, slightly paler than branches ("pale ochraceous buff", "cartridge-buff", "pale cinnamon-pink"); hymenium amphigenous except occasionally from axils as a sterile line. Stipe and branches bruising slowly to brown ("cacao-brown", "tawny"); rhizomorphs in 2% KOH slowly sordid brown. Taste bitter; odour mildly of anise to negligible.

Macrochemical reactions: PYR = capricious; GUA, ANO = positive; FCL = green-black; PHN = ambi-guous; KOH = negative (rhizomorphs brown); NOH = bruises already brunnescent turn bright purple-rose. Rhizomorphs and resupinate patch monomitic; hyphae 2-5 p.m diam., thin-walled to thick-walled (wall up to 1 p.m thick), long-celled, clamped, hyaline, involving considerable crystalline material in slenderest rhizomorphs; ampulliform clamps common, up to 10 gm broad, not especially thick-walled, unornamented. Tramal hyphae of branches skeletalised generatives, 3-7 gm diam., hyaline, clamped, thick-walled. Basidia 40-55 x 6-7.5 gm, clavate, pale yellow in squash mounts, clamped; contents subrefringent when mature; sterigmata 4, spindly, long, straight, not divergent.

Spores (Fig. 112) 6.5-10.4 x 3.6-4.3 gm (E =1.80-2.45; E'^ =Spores L°' = 8.71 gm), teardrop-shaped to ellipsoid, conspicuously roughened; contents sludgy to biguttulate when mature, the guttules refringent under phase contrast; wall up to 0.2 gm thick; hilar appendix gradual, curved, stout, leaving no throat; ornamentation of ill-defined, cyanophilous raised patches.

On rotten wood or woody debris, especially Agathis.

Receptacula ad 90x 40mm, ramosiora, in ligno. Rhizomorphis latis, tenacibus, albis, submembranaceis, in KOH tarde brunnescentibus; stipite ad 25 x 5 mm, pallide alutaceo, ramis et ramulis alutaceis ad cinnamomeo-alutaceis; apicibus longis, alutaceis ad pallide alutaceis; ubi contusis tarde brunnescentibus; odore miti; sapore amaro.

Hyphis monomiticis; in ramis fibulatis, non inflatis, crassitunicatis; basidiis 40-55 am longis, fibulatis; sterigmatibus 4. Sports 6.5-10.4 N.m longis, lacrymiformibus ad ellipsoideis, omatis, ut in oratione infra.

Care must be taken to separate this from Ramaria polypus. The almost uniformly skeletalised generative hyphae of all parts are similar to those of R. flavula (Atk.) Pet., known only from its type specimen.

Spore dimensions would appear to be about average for subg. Lentoramaria, but the spores are oddly shaped, with the hilar appendix not clearly distinct from the spore itself.

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Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen (1988)

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Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Ramaria sclerocarnosa R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand

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Waipoua Forest Sanctuary, Hokianga Co., Northland, [New Zealand], Yakas Tree Track,, coll. RHP, no. 42299 (holotype PDD 46685, isotype TENN 42299);

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scientific name
20 March 1996
15 December 2003
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