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Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988

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Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988

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New Zealand
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Australian records require confirmation.

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R.H. Petersen
R.H. Petersen
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
NZ holotype
Ramaria samuelsii
New Zealand, North Island: Upper Hutt, Kaitoke Waterworks, 22.V.82, coll. RHP, no. 43406 (holotype PDD 46681, isotype TENN 43405, TENN 43406);

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Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988

Fruit bodies up to 8 x 5 cm, repeatedly branched, obovate in profile; stipe single, often branched near base and appressed so as to appear fasciculate, fleshy, white where protected and there pruinose, the plush easily rubbed off to appear weakly water-soaked, involving insignificant amounts of substrate when picked. Major branches several, arising irregularly but at about the same level, up to 6 mm thick, more or less terete, usually somewhat grooved, erect, delicate fleshy pink when young ("flesh colour') becoming muted to salmon shades ("salmon colour", "light vinaceous cinnamon"); axils rounded to narrowly rounded; internodes elongating during fruit body ontogeny. Apices double-dichotomous to cuspidate, bright yellow ("light orange-yellow") when young, fading to yellow ("buff-yellow"). Flesh of branches orange-yellow upward ("capucine-orange"), stuffed to almost hollow upward, solid downward, white. Stipe surface weakly brunnescent to hygrophanous; apices slowly weakly vinescent when bruised. Odour weakly fragrant; taste weakly bitter.

Macrochemical reactions: NOH, KOH = carrot orange; FCL = quickly forest-green; PYR, PHN, ANO, GUA, IKI = negative.

Tramal hyphae of branches 5-12 Am diam., thin-walled, clampless, free outward, adherent inward, hyaline, parallel; ampulliform septa occasional, up to 12 Am broad, slightly thick-walled (wall up to 0.4 Am thick), unornamented. Hymenium thickening; basidia 90-95 x 12-16 Am, clavate to inflated apically, clampless, moderately cyanophilous; contents with scattered, large refringent guttules; sterigmata 4, up to 10 Am long, curved-erect.

Spores (Fig. 108) 10.1-13.3 x 5.0-6.5 gm (E = 1.83¬2.21; E'^ = 2.04; L'^ = 11.86 gm), ellipsoid to elongate-ellipsoid, subtly roughened; contents uni- to several-guttulate; wall thin to slightly thick (wall up to 0.2 gm thick); hilar appendix papillate, small; ornamentation of narrow ridges and low warts generally oriented longitudinally from abaxial-distal to adaxial-proximal.

Receptacula ad 80 x 50 mm, ramosiora, in circumscriptione obovata. Stipite indivisibili, strictim fasciculato, albo, pruinoso. Ramis et ramulis pallide incarnatis ad pallide salmoneis; apicibus cuspidatis, bidichotomis, flavis junioribus, vetustioribus pallide flavis; ubi contusis aquoso-brunnescentibus; contusis in apicibus leniter vinascentibus. Odore leniter aromatico; sapore leniter amaro.

Hyphis efibulatis, non inflatis; basidiis 90-95 ~tm longis, clavatis, efibulatis; sterigmatibus 4. Sporis 10.1-13.3 x 5-6.5 pin, ellipsoideis ad elongato-ellipsoideis, ornatis, ut in oratione infra.

The taxa which resemble Ramaria samuelsii are several, and rather confusing. It differs from R. subbotrytis (Coker) Corner and R. subspinulosa (Coker) Corner in having yellow apices, whereas R. neoformosa Pet. produces fruit bodies with fasciculate stipes and somewhat smaller spores. Nonetheless, characters in the group form a grid, and it is not known how many taxa maybe involved on a worldwide basis. R. samuelsii seems most similar to R. subspinulosa, sharing the canescent stipe, dis-colouration on bruising, and large spores. The spores are reminiscent of those of R. pallida (Sch.) Ricken from Europe, but fruit bodies of that taxon are pallid with violaceous apices.

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Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen (1988)

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Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria samuelsii R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand

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New Zealand, North Island: Upper Hutt, Kaitoke Waterworks, 22.V.82, coll. RHP, no. 43406 (holotype PDD 46681, isotype TENN 43405, TENN 43406);

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scientific name
20 March 1996
15 December 2003
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