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Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988

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Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988

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New Zealand
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R.H. Petersen
R.H. Petersen
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
NZ holotype
Ramaria rotundispora
[New Zealand], North Island: Little Barrier Island, Tirikawa Stream, under pure stand of Leptospermum,, coll. EH, holotype Horak ZT 1518, isotypes PDD 46653, TENN 43616

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Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988


Fruit bodies up to 7 x 6 cm, branched repeatedly, ellipsoid to obtriangular in profile. Stipe single, up to 4 x 3.5 cm, fleshy, somewhat rooting, tapering downward to a rounded base, involving some substrate only at the very base, white where protected, upward fleshy with a delicate lavender-pink tint unlike the colour of branches; flesh white, gelatinising inward into a watery-gelatinous mass. Major branches several, up to 10 mm thick, arising more or less simultaneously from the stipe apex, producing secondary branches and small groups of aborted branchlets; all branches pallid pink-salmon, appearing somewhat watery; flesh gelatinous inward, or often hollow through gelatinisation, more intensely orange than hymenium; internodes diminishing abruptly; axils rounded. Apices irregular, dichotomous to claw-like, short, awl-shaped, extremely pale pink-salmon so as to appear off-white. Odour none; taste not recorded.

Tramal hyphae of branches 3-8 Am diam., clampless; in centre of flesh gelatinising into short amorphous hyphal fragments, outwardly adherent, tightly packed, parallel, hyaline. Hymenium thickening; basidia 50-60 x 8-10 Am, clavate, clampless, golden under phase contrast; sterigmata 4, straight, slender.

Spores (Fig. 107) 6.8-7.5 x 4.7-5.8 Am (E =1.25-1.54; E°' = 1.40; L'" = 7.13 gym), broadly ellipsoid, flattened adaxially, obscurely roughened; wall less than 0.2 Am thick; contents uniguttulate to obscurely sludgy; hilar appendix gradual, hardly papillate; ornamentation of many small, scattered, obscurely cyanophilous patches.

Receptacula ad 70 x 60 mm, ramosiora, in circumscriptione ellipsoidea ad obtriangularia. Stipite indivisibih, ad 40 x 35 mm, deorsum contracto, sursum pallide incarnato-violaceo; caro tarde gelatinosa; ramis et ramulis incarnato-salmoneis; apidbus irregularibus, pallidissime incarnato-salmoneis; odore nullo.

Hyphis efibulatis, non inflatis, tarde gelatinosis; basidiis 50-60 Fun longis, efibulatis; sterigmatibus 4. Sporis 6.8-7.5 Fun longis, late ellipsoideis, E^' = 1.4 Fun, ornatis, ut in oratione infra.

Ramaria rotundispora shows several similarities to R. gelatinosa (Coker) Corner from eastern North America. Both produce largish fruit bodies with pinkish salmon branches and gelatinous flesh. The resemblance stops here, however, for the hyphae of R. gelatinosa are clamped, and its spore morphology is very different (9.6-10.4 x 5.2 pm; E^' =1.77, L°' =9.9 Am from the type, cf. Petersen 1982).

This taxon is described here from three dried specimens and good photographs by Horak. This would seem too paltry for such a proposal, but in Ramaria such rotund spores are rarely seen. A small group of taxa, including R..lorithamnus (see also under that name), show them, with the consociation characterised by clampless hyphae, fasciculate stipes and very sparse branching. The latter two characters certainly are not shared by R. rotundispora.

The blush of lavender-pink on the upper stipe is also unique, although such tints are found in another consociation, namely in Ramaria bataillei (Maire) Corner (Petersen 1979).

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Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen (1988)

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Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Ramaria rotundispora R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand

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[New Zealand], North Island: Little Barrier Island, Tirikawa Stream, under pure stand of Leptospermum,, coll. EH, holotype Horak ZT 1518, isotypes PDD 46653, TENN 43616

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scientific name
20 March 1996
15 December 2003
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