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Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988

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Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988

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New Zealand
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R.H. Petersen
R.H. Petersen
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
NZ holotype
Ramaria junquilleovertex
New Zealand, North Island: Little Barrier Island, Waipawa Stream, tmderLeptospermum andNothofagus,, holotype Horak ZT 1535, isotype TENN 43613, PDD 46679

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Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988

North Island: Little Barrier Island, Waipawa Stream, under Leptospermum and Nothofagus,, coll. EH, no. 1535 (holotype, ZT; isotypes, TENN 43613, PDD).
Fruit bodies up to 7 x 5 cm, repeatedly branched, narrowly to broadly obtriangular in profile. Stipe single, up to 2 x 1.5 cm, fleshy, more or less cylindrical, rounded at base, clean, involving almost no substrate on picking, smooth to glabrous, white all over, with some watery brunnescence on old bruises; flesh dry. Major branches 2-4, up to 0.6 cm thick, erect to stiffly ascending, white when young, very slowly changing to cream colour, terete. Branches similar; internodes diminishing gradually; axils rounded. Apices light bright yellow when young, fading to pallid cream colour in age, short conical to truncate-cuspidate. Odour none; taste not recorded. Tramal hyphae of branches 2.5-8 4 µm diam., hyaline, clampless, free, somewhat thick-walled (wall up to 0.4 µm thick), more or less parallel. Subhymenium rudimentary; basidia 55-62 x 9-11 µm, clavate, clampless, often geniculate, with an equal basal portion and broadly cylindrical apex; contents granular; sterigmata 4, slender, curved. Spores (Fig. 104) 10.1-11.5 x 4.7-5.4 µm (E = 1.93-2.23; Em= 2.09; Lm= 10.54 µm), ellipsoid, often somewhat flattened adaxially, distinctly roughened; contents homogeneous to uniguttulate; wall up to 0.3 µm thick; hilar appendix more or less papillate; ornamentation of significantly raised cyanophilous warts and short ridges covering much of the wall surface.
Receptacula ad 70 x 50 mm, ramosiora, in circumscriptione tenui- ad late-obtriangularia. Stipite indivisibili, ad 20 x 15 mm, plus minusve cylindrico, albo, laevi; ramis et ramulis albis junioribus, vetustioribus cremeis; apicibus pallide flavis, subtruncatis. Odore nullo. Hyphis efibulatis, non inflatis, crassitunicatis; basidiis 55-60 µm longis, clavatis, efibulatis. Sporis 10-11.5 µm long ellipsoideis, ornatis, ut in oratione infra.
COMMENTARY: Fruit bodies of this species resemble those of Ramaria xanthosperma Wk.) Corner from North America, with lovely yellow tips and nearly white branches. R. xanthosperma,however, stains red at the base, and produces very long spores with less ornamentation. Both taxa are clampless.
With the preponderance of taxa in subg. Laeticolora producing pink or salmon branches, Ramaria junquilleo-vertexshould not be difficult to recognise in the field.
Again, the taxon is based on one specimen and a photo by Horak.

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Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen (1988)
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen (1988)

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Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand
Ramaria junquilleovertex R.H. Petersen 1988
New Zealand

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New Zealand, North Island: Little Barrier Island, Waipawa Stream, tmderLeptospermum andNothofagus,, holotype Horak ZT 1535, isotype TENN 43613, PDD 46679

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scientific name
20 March 1996
15 December 2003
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