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Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004

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Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 42 657 (2004)
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004

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New Zealand
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McKenzie & P.R. Johnst.
McKenzie & P.R. Johnst.
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Chatham Is., NZ
Puccinia embergeriae

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Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CHATHAM ISLANDS, Rekohu, Kaingaroa Point Reserve, E. H. C. McKenzie & P. R. Johnston, 20 Nov 1992, PDD 61887 II; Kaingaroa Beach, E. H. C. McKenzie & P. R. Johnston, 20 Nov 1992, PDD 61888 II.
Aecia not known. Uredinia mainly hypophyllous, golden-brown, bullate, later pulverulent, up to 1.5 mm diam., with a few peripheral paraphyses. Urediniospores (28-)30-33(-34) x (25.5-)26.5- 29.5 µm, subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, wall 2- layered, outer layer 1-1.5(-2) µm thick, hyaline, inner layer 2-2.5(-3) µm thick, pale yellow, echinulate, germ pores 2, equatorial, contents pale yellow. Telia mainly hypophyllous, initially arising from the same sori as the uredinia, blackish brown, bullate, later pulverulent, up to 1.5 mm diam. Teliospores (30-)32-40(-50) x (21-)22.5-26 µm, ellipsoid or oblong ellipsoid, sometimes slightly constricted at septum, wall 2-2.5 µm thick at sides, 2.5-4 µm at apex, verrucose, golden brown, contents pale brown, pore in upper cell apical or nearly so, pore in basal half of lower cell; pedicel usually breaking near hilum, but sometimes up to 65 x 4-5 µm, hyaline.
HOST: Embergeria grandifolia (Kirk) Boulos (Chatham Islands sow thistle).
Aeciis ignotis. Uredinia plerumque hypophyllia, aureo-brunnea, bulliformia, pulverulentia, usque ad 1.5 mm diam. Urediniosporae (28-)30-33(-34) x (25.5-)26.5-29.5 mm, subglobosae vel lateellipsoideae, echinulata, interne pallide luteae, membrana externa 1-1.5(-2) mm crassa, hyalina, membrana interna 2-2.5(-3) mm, pallide flavida, poris germinationis 2, aequatorialibus. Telia plerumque hypophyllia, bulliformia, pulverulentia, nigrobrunnea, usque ad 1.5 mm diam. Teliosporae (30-) 32-40(-50) x (21-)22.5-26 mm, ellipsoideae vel oblongo-ellipsoideae, ad septum interdum constrictae, verrucosae, membrana ad latera 2- 2.5 mm, ad apicem 2.5-4 mm crassae, aureobrunneae, interne pallide brunneae, poris germinationis superioribus ad apicem, poris germinationis inferioribus prope basim; pedicello usque ad 65 x 4-5 mm, pallide flavido.

ETYMOLOGY: From the host plant.

NOTES: Several rusts, including species of Coleosporium, Miyagia, and Puccinia, have been described or recorded from Sonchus, but only one rust, the widespread Miyagia pseudosphaeria (Mont.) Jørst., has been recorded in New Zealand on Sonchus (Cunningham 1924). Puccinia embergeriae is quite distinct from M. pseudosphaeria, which is distinguished by possessing a peripheral, palisadelike layer of brown, thick-walled paraphyses in both the uredinia and telia; such paraphyses are lacking in P. embergeriae. In addition, the urediniospores of M. pseudosphaeria are generally narrower, with 3- 4 germ pores. Parmelee & Savile (1981) gave an account of North American Puccinia species on members of the Lactuceae (syn. Cichorieae). Of the species treated, P. hieracii, which has been recorded in New Zealand, has a wide host range within the Lactuceae. However, the urediniospores of P. hieracii have a tonsure, or smooth area, below each germ pore, a feature not observed in P. embergeriae.

Embergeria grandifolia is a threatened plant, and is listed as a nationally endangered species i Hitchmough (2002). Puccinia embergeriae, which is an obligate parasite, probably co-exists with its host plant. However, it is also a threatened species, classified as nationally critical (Hitchmough 2002).

When viewed with the scanning electron microscope, the urediniospores of P. embergeriae appeared to be smaller than when viewed by light microscopy. Measurements were checked and it is concluded there is significant shrinking of these spores when placed in the electron microscope. At high magnification, wrinkling of the spore surface between the spines was evident.

HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, Chatham Islands, Rekohu, Kaingaroa Point Reserve, E. H. C. McKenzie & P. R. Johnston, 5 Apr 1993, PDD 62047 II, III.

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Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. (2004)
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. (2004)
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. (2004)
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. (2004)
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. (2004)

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Puccinia embergeriae McKenzie & P.R. Johnst. 2004
New Zealand
Chatham Islands

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scientific name
1 January 2001
23 September 2004
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