Propolis dracophylli P.R. Johnst. 1986

Propolis dracophylli P.R. Johnst. 1986
Ascocarps deeply immersed in hypodermal tissue. In vertical section more or less orbicular in shape. Upper wall poorly developed, comprising 3-4 layers of hyaline, gelatinised hyphae, 2.5-4 µm diam. Inside of wall lined with a layer of unbranching periphyses, 8-10 x 2-3 µm. Crystals form amongst the periphyses and wall hyphae near the top of the margin. Lower wall not present, subhymenium 10-20 µm wide, forming directly on disintegrating host tissue.
Paraphyses 0.8-1.2 µm diam., propoloid, tangled together, intermixed with crystals near the apices, often anastomosing near bases, extending 15-20 µm beyond asci. Asci 114-147 x 7.5-9 µm, cylindric, tapering to the small truncate, or broadly rounded, apex, non-amyloid, 8-spored. Ascus wall thickened near apex, with a broad, central pore. Ascospores filiform, not tapering, often coiling on release, 80-112 x 1.2-1.5 µm, 0-1 septate, with a gelatinous cap at both ends.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE: Ascospores germinated on agar plates after 2-3 days. Colonies on oatmeal agar 2-3 cm diam. after 8 weeks; aerial mycelium white, cottony, erect; agar pink, with yellow patches near edges of colony. Remaining sterile.
ETYMOLOGY: dracophylli; refers to host plant.
NOTES: The structure of the ascocarp margin and the appearance of the ascus apex of this species are similar to those of some Ostropalean genera such as Stictis and Propolidium. However 0-1 septate ascospores with a gelatinous sheath, and anastomosing paraphyses are distinctive Rhytismataceous characters. The external appearance of the ascocarp conforms to that of Propolis.