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Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965
NZ holotype
Poria totara
New Zealand, Whitianga-Coromandel Road, 100 m, holotype PDD 6657, isotype F 450654

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Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965

PODOCARPACEAE. Podocarpus totara: Auckland, Waipoua Kauri Forest, 230 m; Whitianga-Coromandel Road, 100 m, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 6657; Moumoukai Valley, Hunua Ranges, 300 m. Dacrydium cupressinum: Otago, Ulva Islet, Stewart Island.
Hymenophore annual, loosely adherent, soft and fragile, effused forming linear areas 7-20 x 7-10 cm, to 1 mm thick. Hymenial surface white, staining yellow where lying upon exposed wood, even, not creviced; margin somewhat indefinite, white, fibrillose, adherent, thinning out, fertile to the edge. Pores labyrinthiform, 0.3-3 mm long, a few round when 100-200 µm diameter, to 0.5 mm deep; dissepiments 50-300 µm thick, equal, apices finely velutinate. Context white, 20-140 µm thick, of loosely intertwined hyphae; binding hyphae 3-3.5 µm diameter, walls 1 µm thick or lumena almost capillary, freely branched, aseptate; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µm diameter, walls 0.2 µm thick, branched, septate, with scanty clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 15 µm deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 8-12 x 3-4 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata slender, erect, to 4 µm long, paraphyses subclavate, 6-10 x 3-3.5 µm. Spores oval, subglobose, or globose, 2-2.5 x 2 µm walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µm thick.
HABITAT: Decayed decorticated fallen trunks, associated with a white rot.
From other dimitic species present in the region the species is separated by the labyrinthiform pores, minute globose spores, and delicate fragile white hymenophore which stains yellow where in contact with the substratum. The name is taken from the Maori name of one host.

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Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965
Poria totara G. Cunn. (1965)

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Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Poria totara G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Stewart Island

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New Zealand, Whitianga-Coromandel Road, 100 m, holotype PDD 6657, isotype F 450654

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scientific name
1 January 2001
15 December 2003
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