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Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954

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Podonectria gahnia Dingley, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 81 498 (1954)
Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954

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New Zealand
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Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
NZ holotype
Podonectria gahnia
[New Zealand], Auckland: Waitakere Ranges, Swanson, November, 1945, J.M.D. October, 1947, holotype PDD 10945

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Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954

Auckland: Waitakere Ranges, Swanson, November, 1945, J.M.D. (10944) ; Simla, October, 1947 (10945) Type collection; Cascade Kauri Park, November, 1948, J.M.D. (10943).
Stroma superficial on host, fuscous black, pseudoparenchymatous, byphae liyalixie with clusters of densely pigmented cells. Perithecia globose, 0-2-0-35 nim. diameter, red or scarlet, ostiole papillate, projecting above stroma ; perithecial wall 30µ wide, pseudoparenchymatous, cells cuboid up to 5µ diameter, thin-walled pigmented, subhymenial layer dilfluent. Asci cylindrical, 150-200 x 12-16µ, capitate, cap truncated, canal more or less rudimentary, 4-8 spored, spores arranged in fascicle; pseudoparaphyses branched, ditlluent. Spores filiform, acicular, 90-140 x 3-4µ, multiseptate, with 6-12 transverse septa, hyaline. Conidia absent.
Parasitic on scale insects. On a Diaspid seals.
Stroma hospitem opprimens, fusco-nigrurn, pseudoparenchymatoun; peri¬thecia in stromate immersa, -Iobosa, 0-2-0-35 mm. diam., rubra, ostiolis papil¬latis, super superficiem stromatis eminentibus, pariete peritheeii pseudoparen¬ehymato, 30/.t diam, cellulis cuboidibus 5µ diam., parietibu:, tenuibus, tinctis. Asci cylindrical 150-200 x 12-16/u capitibus truneatis 4-8 sporis in fasciculo intra ascum ordinatis, pseudoparaphysibus ramosis. Sporae filiformes, aciculatae, 90-140 x 3-4µ multiseptatae, hyalinae, 6-12 septis transversis.
In fresh collections the bright red peritheeia are semi-immersed, but in herbarium specimens perithecia appear immersed with only ostioles projectinb. Spores are filiform, similar to those of Cordyceps, but do not divide into part spores. Asci are truncated and are typical of species included in Podonectria.
Locality: Waitakere Ranges, Auckland, New Zealand.

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Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
Podonectria gahnia Dingley (1954)
Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
Podonectria gahnia Dingley (1954)
Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
Podonectria gahnia Dingley (1954)

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Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
New Zealand
Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
New Zealand
Podonectria gahnia Dingley 1954
New Zealand

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[New Zealand], Auckland: Waitakere Ranges, Swanson, November, 1945, J.M.D. October, 1947, holotype PDD 10945

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15 December 2003
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