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Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978

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Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 341 (1978)
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
also known from China

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S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
NZ holotype
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora
On the bases of dead leaves of Rhopalostylis sapida, [New Zealand], Auckland Prov., (1) Exhibition Drive, Titirangi, 22.1.1963, holotype PDD 30422, isotype DAOM 93749

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Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978

On the bases of dead leaves of Rhopastylis sapida Auckland Prov. ( 1 ) Exhibition Drive, Titirangi, 22.1.1963. PDD 30422 (type) (DAOM 93749); (2) Fairy Fails Track, Waitakere Range. 7.VIII 1963, J.M.D., DAOM 9627 1
Conidiophores arise from a small black stroma and are in compact or loose fascicles tip to 450µm long. They are cylindrical throughout, 4.5-6um wide, dark brown and only slightly paler at the apex with the distal. conidiogenous cell not particularly longer than the ones below. Conidia are similar to those of the type variety but the basal scars are only 4.5-6um wide and bear a minute fringe following a regular break toward the apex of the conidiogenous cell or of the one to four successive percurrent proliferations which can follow conidium secession. Conidia measure 36-41.5 X 16.2-20um.
A typo sic differt: conidiophora in fasciculi, compactis vel solutis disposita, ad 450um longa, atro brunnea, cylindrica. 4.5-6um )at., apicem versus nullo modo inflata. in conidium singulum terminantia. Conidia apice rotundata, cellulis duobus interioribus majorilbus atrobrunneis vel binis minoribus successive pallidioribus cellula basali pa lide brunnea, cicatrice plana subfimbriata 4.5-6µm praedita
Holotypus in basi foliorum emortuorum Rhopastylidis sapidae, Nova Zelandia, Auckland Prov., Titirangi 12.1.1963, S.J.H., PDD 30422 (DAOM 93749).

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Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes (1978)
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes (1978)
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes (1978)
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes (1978)
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978

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Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand
Phragmocephala atra var. stenophora S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand

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On the bases of dead leaves of Rhopalostylis sapida, [New Zealand], Auckland Prov., (1) Exhibition Drive, Titirangi, 22.1.1963, holotype PDD 30422, isotype DAOM 93749

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scientific name
15 December 1992
29 January 2002
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