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Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975

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Boerema & G.J. Bollen
Boerema & G.J. Bollen
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Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei

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Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975

COLONY MORPHOLOGY OA & ME: Colonies 15-25 mm diam. after 7 days. Mycelium; cottony, fine, medium to dark grey or greenish grey. Reverse; OA grey, occasionally also red; ME dark grey. CHLAMYDOSPORES: None. CONIDIA: Uniform in shape, oblong with rounded ends. (3-)4-6(-7) x 1-2 (-3) µm. PYCNIDIA: Solitary or in groups of 8-10 with confluent walls, with dark setae which vary in number and length.
OCCURRENCE: Saprophyte, isolated from soil and dead plant material.
NOTES: Although the presence of setae on pycnidia has been considered to be a characteristic of Pyrenochaeta, Phoma leveillei has been placed in Phoma because its phialides are typical of Phoma (Boerema & Bollen 1975) and not held in chains as is characteristic of Pyrenochaeta. For a discussion of Pyrenochaeta see Schneider (1979).

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Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen (1975)
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen (1975)
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen (1975)
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen (1975)
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen (1975)
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen (1975)

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Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
Phoma leveillei Boerema & G.J. Bollen 1975
New Zealand

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29 February 2000
18 March 2020
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