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Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907

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Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola

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Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907

COLONY MORPHOLOGY OA & ME: Colonies 20-40 mm diam. after 7 days. Mycelium; either dense, unevenly lumpy with a "crystalline" appearance, grey to dark grey; or fine, cottony, grey to pale grey, of an even height. Reverse; OA: grey, often turning yellow or occasionally red after a few days; ME: dark grey. CHLAMYDOSPORES: Numerous, single or in, long chains or often aggregated into large, irregularly-shaped masses. May take several weeks to appear. CON IDIA: Small, even in shape, oblong with rounded ends, (3.5-)4-6(-7) x 1.5-2.5(-3) µm. PYCNIDIA: Solitary, dark walled.
OCCURRENCE: Common as a soil saprophyte and as a root parasite on several plants, e.g. Chrysanthemum spp., Medicago sativa L.
NOTE: Phoma leveillei has a similar cultural appearance to P. chrysanthemicola. Both are isolated from the soil and both have grey, slow-growing colonies. P. chrysanthemicola has chlamydospores and often produces yellow pigment on OA, whereas P. leveillei lacks chlamydospores and yellow pigmentation and has setae on the pycnidia:

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Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós (1907)

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Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
[Not available]
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
New Zealand
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
New Zealand
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
New Zealand
Phoma chrysanthemicola Hollós 1907
New Zealand

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scientific name
15 December 2013
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