Paxillus nothofagi McNabb 1969

Vernacular names
Paxillus nothofagi McNabb 1969
Paxillus nothofagi McNabb 1969
Pileus infundibuliformis vel irregulariter infundibuliformis, 6-18 cm diam., siccus, velutinatus vel subtomentosus, saepe rimosus, fuscus. Lamellae decurrentes, bipartito furcatae 4-(6) vicibus, ad 8 mm altae, sucinoflavae. Stipes 2-7 cm longus, subaequalis vel basaliter decrescens, 1-2.5 cm diam., siccus, subtiliter velutinatus vel subtomentosus, concolor cum pileo. Sporae late ellipticae, 7.8-11 X 4.5-5.8-(6.8) µm., leves.
Of the sections of Paxillus distinguished by Singer (1962), P. nothofagi fits most readily within sect. Veluticipites. The major point of disagreement between P. nothofagi and Singer's sectional diagnosis is in spore length, but this is possibly not of great importance, since the section is based on a single Australian species, P. veluticeps (Cooke & Mass.) Singer. The spores of P. veluticeps measure 13-18.3 X 4.5-6.3µm. and are considerably longer than those of P. nothofagi. As in sect. Defibulati, the two species admitted to sect. Veluticipites are both of south temperate distribution.
The strict association of P. nothofagi with Nothofagus suggests that it is a mycorrhizal species. It may be distinguished from P. squarrosus and P. aurantiacus by the larger fruitbodies, smaller elliptical spores, and the presence of clamp connections.