Paxillus aurantiacus McNabb 1969

Paxillus aurantiacus McNabb 1969
Paxillus aurantiacus McNabb 1969
COLLECTIONS EXAMINED: Under (1) N. fusca. Nelson: Lake Daniels Track, 15.v.1969, R. F. R. McN.; (2) N. fusca and N. menziesii. Nelson: Maruia, 6.v.1968, R. F. R. McN.: (3) N. menziesii and N. solandri, Canterbury: Lewis Pass near Dan's Bridge, 7.v.1968, R. F. R. McN.; Boyle River, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN.: (4) N. menziesii and N. solandri var. cliffortioides, Canterbury: near Cass, 31.iii.l968, M. J. Noonan
(ISOTYPE, PDD 26294).
Paxillus aurantiacus belongs in sect. Defibulati and is closely related to P. squarrosus. It differs in the yellow pileus, structure of the cuticle, white unchanging context, presence of sterile structures in the hymenium, and the finely velutinate to subglabrous stipe. The unchanging context, repeatedly dichotomously branched lamellae, and differences in chemical characters distinguish it from the South American P. statuum.
Singer (1962) indicated that if the Australian species P. muelleri (Berk.) Sacc. lacked clamp connections, it also should be included in sect. Defibulati. Subsequent examination of authentic material by Pegler (1965) showed that clamp connections were absent in this species, and the section now contains four species endemic to the South Temperate Zone.