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Perrotia alba Dennis 1961

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Perrotia alba Dennis, Kew Bull. 15 301 (1961)
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961

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New Zealand
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Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
NZ holotype
Perrotia alba
New Zealand In ramulis emortuis Aristoteliae fruticosae, 900 mt, Mt. Egmont, Taranaki district, 23.3.1951, Dingley, holotype PDD 18994

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Perrotia alba Dennis 1961

Apothecia sparsa, erumpentia, substipitata; disco flavido, concavo, 1 mm. lato; excipulo alba, pilis obtusis, hyalinis, crasse tunicatis, scabriusculis, septatis, 120 x 3 µ obtecto; asci cylindracei, apice rotundati, octospori, 60-70 x 8-9 µ, apice jodo non tincti; ascosporae distichae, rectae, ellipticae, hyalinae, 12-17 x 3-4 µ, utrinque rotundatae, demum medio septatae, non constrictae; paraphyses filiformes, ad apicem 2 µ crassae.
In ramulis emortuis Aristoteliae fruticosae, 900 m., Mt. Egmont, Taranaki district, 23.3.1951, Dingley 18994 (typus).

Perrotia alba Dennis 1961

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] On narrow twigs.

Perrotia alba Dennis 1961

The hairs of this species are finely granulate throughout most of their length and remain so after pre-treatment with 5% KOH and staining with Melzer's reagent. Raitviir (1970) suggested that, on this basis, the species may deserve separation from Perrotia which he considered to typically have encrusted hairs which appear smooth after similar treatment. However, much variation is evident in the surface ornamentation of the hairs in the various species of both Perrotia and Lachnellula. Even in P. flamea the hairs may remain partially granulate in Melzer's reagent and an attempted segregation of genera on this basis alone seems unwarranted.

The form of the asci in P. alba is typical of the genus and the spores also are very similar in shape to those of P. flamea. The excipular structure is perhaps rather atypical, but the arrangement of the hyphae at a large angle to the surface and development of a cellular surface layer is similar to that in other species of the genus.

NEW ZEALAND: Taranaki district, Mt. Egmont, 900 m., on dead twigs of Aristotelia fruticosa, 23 iii 1951, leg. J.M. Dingley, ex P.D.D. 18994 (Holotype, K).
APOTHECIA scattered to gregarious, erumpent, short-stipitate or subsessile. DISC 1.0-1.5 mm diam. plano-concave, smooth, pale yellowish. RECEPTACLE shallow cupulate, with incurved margin when dry, densely clothed with white hairs, sometimes discolouring yellowish in dried apothecia. HAIRS hyaline, 3.0-3.5 µm diam., up to c. 200 µm long at the margin, shorter on the receptacle, cylindric, obtuse, sometimes expanded at the apex, multiseptate, walls thickened, particularly towards the base, granulate throughout and remaining so after soaking in 5% KOH, or smooth at the extreme base. ASCI 60-67 x 8-9 µm, 8-spored, clavate, tapered below to a short stalk, thin-walled, the apex broadly rounded. ASCOSPORES hyaline, ellipso-cylindric, with ends rounded, sometimes slightly curved, developing a single median or slightly sub-median septum, biseriately arranged, 12-17 x 3.5-4.5 µm, mean 14.9(SD 1.1) x mean 3.7(SD 0.2) µm. PARAPHYSES cylindric, obtuse, equal to the asci, sometimes branched near the base, hyaline, 1.5-2.0(-2.5) µm diam. SUBHYMENIUM composed of largely vertically arranged, somewhat interwoven hyphae 1.5-2.0 µm diam. in an irregular layer not distinctly differentiated from the medullary excipulum. MEDULLARY EXCIPULUM up to 140 µm thick at the centre of the receptacle, narrowed towards the margin and merging with the ectal excipulum, hyaline, composed of loosely interwoven hyphae 2-3 µm diam. Below this is a narrow layer, 20-25 µm thick at the base of the receptacle, of sub-parallel, undulating hyphae 1.5-2.0 µm diam. lying in a gelatinous matrix and continuous with the vertically orientated, interwoven gelatinized hyphae of the stipe medulla. ECTAL EXCIPULUM duplex, comprising an innermost layer up to 70 µm thick composed of hyaline, interwoven hyphae 3-4 µm diam. immersed in a gelatinous matrix and arranged at a high angle to the surface, and forming the outermost layer, 10-15 µm thick, of small, sub-angular, rather thick-walled cells 4-6 µm diam.
Known only from the type locality.
On dead twigs of Aristotelia fruticosa Hook. f. (Elaeocarpaceae).

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Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
Perrotia alba Dennis (1961)
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
Perrotia alba Dennis (1961)
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
Perrotia alba Dennis (1961)
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
Perrotia alba Dennis (1961)

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Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
New Zealand
Perrotia alba Dennis 1961
New Zealand

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New Zealand In ramulis emortuis Aristoteliae fruticosae, 900 mt, Mt. Egmont, Taranaki district, 23.3.1951, Dingley, holotype PDD 18994

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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