Nectria phormiicola Samuels 1976

Nectria phormiicola Samuels 1976
CONIDIAL STATE: Acremonium sp.
Mycelium white. flat, spreading over the substrate. Perithecia densely gregarious, aggregates enclosed in white hyphae, yellow, globose, 150-220 µm diam., becoming collabent when dry, not changing colour in 3% potassium hydroxide. Perithecial wall 15-25 µm thick. Surface view: cells at the surface obscured by the hyphal covering. Longitudinal section: outer region 10-15 µm wide, cells prosenchymatous to loose and hyphal, walls c. l µm thick, cells progressively more compacted toward the interior of the perithecial wall. Inner region 5-10 µm wide, cells ellipsoidal to elongated, 5-7 µm long x 2-3 µm wide, walls c. 1 µm thick, cells becoming progressively more flattened and. thin-walled toward the interior. Hyphal covering white, composed of branched, septate, slightly wavy, flexuous, 2-3 µm wide, hyphae with walls 0.5-1.0 µm thick; growing out wardly from the surface of the perithecial wall, completely enclosing two or more adjacent perithecia, few free ends visible. Perithecial papilla lacking, ostiolar opening composed of narrow hyphal elements arising from the inner region of the perithecial wall, periphysate. Asci clavate, 60-70 x 9-10 µm, 8-spored; apices rounded, with an inconspicuous ring; bases pedicellate; ascospores biseriate, forming throughout the length. Ascospores ellipsoidal to fusiform-ellipsoidal, 10-14 x 3-4 µm, equally 2-celled, 2 drops in each cell; a tuberculate, non-staining sheath visible around each while still in the asci, ascospores tuberculate when discharged, but lacking a sheath; not constricted at the septum, hyaline.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE CMD: Ascospores germinating overnight in low percentage. Colonies 3 cm diam., translucent, pale pink to white, aerial mycelium sparse, margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. ME: 1 cm or less diam., opaque, white to pale pink or pale salmon; aerial mycelium as scattered, hyphal, rope-like strands; margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. OA: 2.5-3 cm diam., opaque, white to pale pink; aerial mycelium dense with erect, outwardly directed, hyphal, rope-like strands arising from the center; non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. WAS: 2 cm diam., translucent, grey, aerial mycelium white, sparse, margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. Phialophores forming on OA and WAS from hyphal, rope-like strands, the surface of the medium, and from straw; monophialidic, unbranched, 0-1 septate, straight, smooth or spinulose, 33-45 µm long, 2-3 µm basally, subtending hypha 2-3 µm wide. A solitary, smooth or spinulose phialide constituting the terminal (10-) 29-33 µm of each phialophore, 1.5-2 µm wide at the unflared tip. Phialoconidia ellipsoidal, (4-) 5-7 x 2-3 (-3.5) µm, unicellular, hyaline, with or without a protuberant, flattened, basal abscission scar. Arising in basipetal succession, held in a solitary drop of hyaline liquid.