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Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895

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Nectria pertusa Pat. in Patouillard & Lagerheim, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 11 227 (1895)

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Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
Nectria pertusa
Type Ecuador

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Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895

CONIDIAL STATE: Acremonium sp.

Mycelium not apparent after perithecial formation. Perithecia solitary or in groups of from 3 to 25, each aggregate enclosed in white hyphae; orange, globose, 230-250 (-460) µm diam., becoming collabent when dry, not changing colour in 3% potassium hydroxide. Perithecial wall 15-20 µm wide. Surface view: cells obscured by the hvphal covering. Longitudinal section: cells elliptical, 5-10 µm long x 4 wm wide.walls c. 1 µm thick, cells becoming progressively more flattened toward the interior of the perithecia) wall. Hyphal covering white, composed of long, branched, septate, smooth, wavy, flexuous, 5 µm wide hyphae with walls 1-2 µm thick; many free ends visible; hyphae around the ostiolar opening short. Hyphae of the covering arising from the surface of the perithecia) wall; covering completely enclosing 2 or more adjacent perithecia. Perithecial papilla short, acute, formed of narrow hyphal elements arising from the inner region of the perithecial wall; ostiolar canal periphysate. Asci broadly cylindrical to clavate, (45-) 70-80 (-103) x (5-) 9-12 (-19) µm, 8-spored; apices flat, simple; bases pointed or rounded; ascospores at first biseriate, becoming irregularly arranged in the upper two-thirds of each ascus. Ascospores ellipsoidal to elliptic-fusiform, (10-) 13-17 (-19) x (3-) 4-5 µm, equally 2-celled, with or without 2 drops in each cell, 3 or fewer complete striations visible in one plane of view, not constricted or slightly constricted at the septum, hyaline

CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE CMD: Ascospores germinating in high percent age after 4 days. Colonies 2.5 cm diam., translucenn to opaque, white, aerial mycelium forming hypha rope-like strands, margin undulate to dissected, non aromatic, medium non-pigmented. Perithecia forming within 6 weeks in cultures from single ascospores ME: 1 cm or less diam., opaque, white to pal, pink or pale salmon, aerial mycelium as hypha rope-like strands, margin dissected. non-aromatic medium non-pigmented. OA: 3 cm diam., opaque, white, aerial myceliun as hyphal rope-like strands, surface of the colour wrinkled, margin entire to dissected, non-aromatic medium non-pigmented. WAS: 4-8 cm diam., translucent, grey; aerial mycelium sparse, white; margin undulate, non-aromatic, medium non-pigmented. Perithecia form ing within 6 weeks in cultures from single ascospores. Phialophores forming on CMD and WAS in 3-6 weeks, unbranched, monophialidic, 0-1 septate, straight, smooth, (16-) 20-30 (-35) µm long, 2-3 µm wide basally, subtending hypha 2-3 µm wide. A solitary phialide constituting the terminal 11-20 (-35) µm of each phialophore, 1-1.5 µm wide at the unflared tip. Conidial production sparse. Phialoconidia elliptical to nearly cylindrical, 4-7 (-10) x 1.5-2 µm, unicellular, hyaline, with or without a protuberant, flattened, basal abscission scar. Arising in basipetal succession, held in a single, terminal, hyaline drop of liquid.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland Province, Waitemata County, Titirangi, Clark's Bush, on rachis of Cyathea dealbata (Forst. f.) Swartz, Dingley et al., 13 Jun. 1973 (PDD 31808) ; Waitakere Ranges, Anawhata Rd, Chateau Mosquito Track, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, Samuels 73-237, 8 Nov. 1973 (PDD 32020), Samuels 73-238 (PDD 32021) ; Waitakere Ranges, West Coast Rd, Marguerite Track, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, Dingley & Haydon, 21 Aug. 1974 (PDD 32584, Samuels 74-108) ; Waitakere Ranges, vic. Waiatarua, Rangemore Track, on rachis of Cyathea medullaris, Samuels 74-104, 10 Jul. 1974 (PDD 32568).
HABITAT: On rachises of Cyathea spp., on leaves of Heliconia sp. and Musa sp. on culms of bamboo.
NOTES: See Samuels (1976) for a discussion of synonymy of N. pertusa. N. pertusa is very common in Venezuela where, along with N. subfalcata, N. foliicola, and N. suffulta, it is found at the bases of living banana and Heliconia plants. The long, almost ridge-like striations on the ascospores distinguish this species from N. pertusoides and N. phormiicola.
HOLOTYPE : ECUADOR: San George, on culms of Chusquea sp., Lagerheim, Jul. 1892 (FH!).

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Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
Nectria pertusa Pat. (1895)
Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
Nectria pertusa Pat. (1895)
Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
Nectria pertusa Pat. (1895)
Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
Nectria pertusa Pat. (1895)

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Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
New Zealand
Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
New Zealand
Nectria pertusa Pat. 1895
New Zealand

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Type Ecuador

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scientific name
16 July 2002
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