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Nectria kowhai Dingley 1956

Nectria kowhai Dingley, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 83 654 (1956)
Nectria kowhai Dingley 1956
NZ holotype
Nectria kowhai
Nectria kowhai Dingley 1956
Perithecia caespitose on a small pulvinate pseudoparenchymatous stroma, up to 2 mm diameter. Perithecia globose, tuberculate, 250-350 µ in diameter, salmon or ochraceous, ostiole not papillate; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous, 40 µ thick, tubercles 30-10 µ high, cells hyaline, 10-15 µ pigment granules present within the cells, subhymenial layer 20-25 µ, walls pale salmon and thickened. Asci clavate. 50-80 x 6-12 µ, 8 spored, biseriate or obliquely uniseriate arranged in ascus. Spores one septate, elliptical or oval, 12-20 x 5-6 µ, hyaline, verrucose, sometimes constricted at septa.
Conidial stage: conidiophores more or less compacted to form a pulvinate stroma to 2 mm diam., verticillately branched. Conidia broadly elliptical, but sometimes allantoid, 5-8.5 x 2-3.5 µ, smooth hyaline.
Conidial stage: conidiophores more or less compacted to form a pulvinate stroma to 2 mm diam., verticillately branched. Conidia broadly elliptical, but sometimes allantoid, 5-8.5 x 2-3.5 µ, smooth hyaline.
Perithecia caespitosa in parvo pulvinato pseudoparenchymato stromate ad 2 mm diam. globosa, tuberculata 250-350 µ diam., salmonea vel ochracea, ostiolo non papillato, pariete pseudoparenchymato, 40 µ crasso, tuberculis 30-40 µ cellulis hyalinis 10-15 µ, granulis tinctis in cellulis et inter eas, regione subhymenii 20-25 µ, parietibus cellularum leviter tinctis et densatis. Asci clavati 50-80 µ x 6-12 µ, 8 sporis biseratis vel oblique uniseratis. Sporae uniseptatae, ellipticae vel ovales 12-20 x 5-6 µ, hyalinae verrucosae, interdum in septis constrictae. Status conidialis: conidiophora compacta in stromata pulvinato ad 2 mm diam. verticillate rimosa. Conidia catenulate ex sterigmatis terminalibus 15-20 x 2-3 µ. Conidia late elliptica, allantoidia 5-8.5 x 2-3.5 µ laevia, hyalina.
The type collection was first included under N. quisquilaris Cke. ; but further collections have shown the species to differ in its tuberculate perithecia and verrucose spores, 12-20 x 5-6 µ in size.
Type collection: on Edwardsia microphylla (Ait.) Salisb., Auckland, Piha, Aug. 1953 (12800).
Taxonomic concepts
Nectria kowhai Dingley 1956
Nectria kowhai Dingley 1956
Global name resources
taxonomic status
whether the type specimens of Nectria kowahi and Clonotachys kowhai represent the same species needs to be confirmed [PRJ]
on Edwarclsia microphylla (Ait.) Salisb., [New Zealand], Auckland, Piha, Aug, 1953, holotype PDD 12800
scientific name
1 January 2001
25 July 2013