Nectria chaetopsinae-penicillatae Samuels 1985

Nectria chaetopsinae-penicillatae Samuels 1985
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE. CMD: 1.5 cm diam., flat, transparent, scant, aerial mycelium white, colony white to pale Sienna (Rayner 8), reverse concolorous, some brown pigment spreading into the medium. PDA: 1 cm diam, flat; scant, aerial mycelium scant, white, surface of colony Sienna (Rayner 8), reverse concolorous, Sienna pigment spreading into the medium. OA: 1 cm diam, as PDA but pigmentation less intense, pale red-brown pigment spreading through the medium. Conidial production abundant on all media. Conidiophores scattered, mononematous, unbranched, stiff, erect, red-brown, 150-230 µm long with base ca.10 µm wide, wall ca. 2 µ thick; a single, compact penicillus formed at the tip of each conidiophore. Penicillus biseriate, ca 4 primary metulae arising from the tip of each conidiophore; primary metulae cylindrical, 10-15 µm long x ca. 5 µm wide, each bearing 2-3 secondary metulae or 2-4 phialides; secondary metulae cylindrical, 10-15 long x ca. 5 µm wide, each bearing 2-4 phialides. Phialides cylindrical, 12-16 x 4-5 µm, with periclinal thickening at the tip and a flared, sometimes funnel-shaped collarette. Phialides also arising from vegetative hyphae, 12-30 µm long x 2-4 µm wide, slight periclinal thickening at tip; collarette flared, often cupulate. Conidia + elliptical with apex round or acute and papillate, base round or with a protuberant, flat basal abscission scar, (13.0-)17.6-22.3(-25.0) x (6.0-)6.8-8.2 µm, unicellular, smooth, hyaline, produced in basipetal succession and held in a colorless drop of slime at the tip of each conidiophore and forming a continuous layer of white slime on surface of colony.
Nectria chaetopsinae similis, sed perithecia (266-)288-345 x (220-)228-260 µm; asci (80-)93-114(-120) x (14-)18-22(-23) µm, apice simplices; ascosporae fusiformes, (19-)24.8-41.9 (-48.0) x (5.5-)5.8-9.8 (-11.0) µm, crasse striatae. In corticibus Beilschmiedia tawa. Holotypus. PDD 44235. Status anamorphosis. Chaetopsina penicillata Samuels sp. nov.
Setae singularitim dispersae, erectae, rectae, septatae, laeves, crasse tunicatae; rubro brunneae, in acidis lactico lutescens, 350-370 µm longae, superne ca. 10 µm crassae, basi 15-25 µm crassi. Phialides e apice gerentes, in penicilli ordinati. Penicilli biverticillati, 1º metulae 10-15 x 4 µm, 2º metulae 8-10 ca. 4 µm; phialides cylindricae vel ampulliformes, 10-15 x 3-4 µm. Conidia ellipticae vel subfusiformes, (8.0-)9.4-22.9(-26.0) x (5.0-)5.9-10.3 (-11.0) µm. In ramunculo. Holotypus. Dumont-EC 609: NY. Status teleomorphosus. Nectria chaetopsinae-penicillatae Samuels