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Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford 1990

Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford, Mycol Res 94 441 (1990)
Samuels & Brayford
Samuels & Brayford
Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford 1990
NZ holotype
Nectria austroradicicola
Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford 1990
Additional specimens examined: New Zealand. South Island. Westland: data as holotype, on bark of Fuchsia excorticata (J. R. & G. Forst.) Linn. f., 10 Apr. 1983, Samuels (83-189) & Petersen (PDD 46394). North Canterbury: Arthur's Pass Natl Park, Cockayne Nature Walk, on bark of Pseudopanax crassifolius (A. Cunn.) C. Koch, 20 May 1983, Samuels (83-154), Matsushima & Rossman (PDD 46334). Southland: Catlin's State Forest Park, Graham's Rd, Haldane Scenic Reserve, on bark of tree, 17 Apr, 1985, Samuels (85-22), Buchanan & Kohn (PDD 47770).
Teleomorph: Perithecia morphologically and anatomically identical to N. radicicola var. radicicola, 250-375 µm diam. Asci (65-) 68.3-92 (-105) x (10-) 13.5-18.5 (-20) µm, apex with a minute ring, often appearing simple, (4-) 8-spored. Ascospores broadly ellipsoidal to elliptic-fusiform, (17-)20.5-24.5 (-27) x (6-) 6.5-8.5-(-10) µm, equally 2-celled, not constricted at the septum, smooth, colourless, biseriate, completely filling the ascus or a small portion of the ascal base empty.
Anamorph: Not known from nature.
Colonies grown 7-10 d on PDA 7-10 into diam, barely spreading away from the inoculum. Aerial mycelium sparse or absent, colonies flat, or sometimes raised and wrinkled, waxy, white at first, becoming pale sienna to ochreous (Rayner 8 to 44) near the centre, similarly coloured from below. Conidiophores poorly defined, arising abundantly as lateral branches or terminations of hyphae, unbranched or loosely fasciculate, 50-80 µm long x 3-4 µm wide, each branch terminating in single conidiogenous cell. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, 17-45 x 3-4 µm. Macroconidia cylindrical, straight, ends obtuse, base round or often with a protuberant, flat, basal abscission scar, 1-6-septate, 3-septate macroconidia (30-) 39.2-54.8 (-75) x (5-) 5.7-8.3 (-12) µm. Microconidia and chlamydospores lacking.
Anamorph: Not known from nature.
Colonies grown 7-10 d on PDA 7-10 into diam, barely spreading away from the inoculum. Aerial mycelium sparse or absent, colonies flat, or sometimes raised and wrinkled, waxy, white at first, becoming pale sienna to ochreous (Rayner 8 to 44) near the centre, similarly coloured from below. Conidiophores poorly defined, arising abundantly as lateral branches or terminations of hyphae, unbranched or loosely fasciculate, 50-80 µm long x 3-4 µm wide, each branch terminating in single conidiogenous cell. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, 17-45 x 3-4 µm. Macroconidia cylindrical, straight, ends obtuse, base round or often with a protuberant, flat, basal abscission scar, 1-6-septate, 3-septate macroconidia (30-) 39.2-54.8 (-75) x (5-) 5.7-8.3 (-12) µm. Microconidia and chlamydospores lacking.
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On wood, including Fuchsia and Pseudopanax.
Nectriae radicicola similis sed ascosporis (17-) 20.5-24.5 (-27) x (6-) 6.5-8.5 (-10) µm.
Holotypus: New Zealand. South Island. Westland: Westland Natl Park, vic. Franz Josef, track to Lake Wombat, on bark of indet. tree, 10 Apr. 1983, Samuels (83-190) and Petersen (PDD 46395).
Status anamorphicus Cylindrocarpon austrodestructans Brayford & Samuels, sp. nov.
Fere Cylindrocarpon destructans sed microconidiis et chlamydosporis in culto agaro nullis et macroconidiis 3-septatis, (30-)39.2-54.8 (-75) x (5-) 5.7-8.3 (-12) µm.
Holotypus: ex culto agaro dessicato Nectriae austroradicicola, Samuels (83-190) & Petersen (PDD 46395). Collection data as teleomorph.
Holotypus: New Zealand. South Island. Westland: Westland Natl Park, vic. Franz Josef, track to Lake Wombat, on bark of indet. tree, 10 Apr. 1983, Samuels (83-190) and Petersen (PDD 46395).
Status anamorphicus Cylindrocarpon austrodestructans Brayford & Samuels, sp. nov.
Fere Cylindrocarpon destructans sed microconidiis et chlamydosporis in culto agaro nullis et macroconidiis 3-septatis, (30-)39.2-54.8 (-75) x (5-) 5.7-8.3 (-12) µm.
Holotypus: ex culto agaro dessicato Nectriae austroradicicola, Samuels (83-190) & Petersen (PDD 46395). Collection data as teleomorph.
Taxonomic concepts
Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford 1990
Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford (1990)
Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford 1990
Nectria austroradicicola Samuels & Brayford (1990)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Cylindrocarpon austrodestructans
New Zealand. South Island. Westland: Westland Natl Park, vie. Franz Josef, track to Lake Wombat, on bark of indet. tree, 10 Apr. 1983, Samuels (83-190) and Petersen, holotype PDD 46395
scientific name
28 August 1997
31 October 2013