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Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838

Scientific name record
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Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr., Epicr. Syst. Mycol. 382 (1838)
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838

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Recorded in error
New Zealand
Political Region
Type locality Brazil.

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(Mont.) Fr.
Marasmius haematocephalus

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Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838

Reported to occur on fallen leaves and wood in the Bush District, North Island (Colenso 1890; Massee 1898a). Although no New Zealand material has been located for study, we suspect that the species may occur in subtropical habitats and we have included it in the key. For a description, illustrations and commentary refer to Part I of this series on South Pacific Marasmii (#18).

Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838

Pileus very thin, campanulate, then convex, finally almost plane, plicate, margin crenate, glabrous; deep-red, up to 1 cm. across; gills narrowly adnexed, distant, pallid; stem 3-5 cm. long, very slender, equal, horny, umber or blackish, expanded at the base into a minute pallid disc.
New Zealand. Victoria, Ceylon, Surinam, Brazil, Guiana, Cuba, United States.
On fallen leaves, wood, &c.
Readily distinguished by the deep-red colour of the plicate or fluted pileus, and the dark hair-like stem.

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Agaricus haematocephalus Mont. (1837)
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838
Marasmius haematocephalus sensu Colenso (1893) [1892]
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. (1838)
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. (1838)
Marasmius haematocephalus sensu Colenso (1893) [1892]
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. (1838)
Marasmius haematocephalus sensu Colenso (1893) [1892]
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. (1838)
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838

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Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr. 1838
[Not available]

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taxonomic status
No NZ material found fide Horak 1971b, p. 429. It is suspected that the authentic species may occur in New Zealand in subtropical habitats, fide Desjardin & Horak 1997, p. 121. Note the type is from Brazil and not Asian tropics, with most studied material under the name.

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scientific name
1 January 2001
19 July 2022
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